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Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania was put in charge of the committee to draft the final copy of the United States Constitution. The other men who had much to do with writing the new Constitution included John Dickinson, Edmund Randolph, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and George Wythe. Morris was given the task of putting all the convention's resolutions and decisions into polished form. Morris actually "wrote" the Constitution. The original copy of the document is preserved in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. Jacob Shallus, assistant clerk of the Pennsylvania State Assemble, was given the task of engrossing the Constitution prior to the signing of the document. His office was in the same building in which the Convention was held. Thomas Jefferson is the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He, along with Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, John Adams, and Robert Livingston, were appointed by the Continental Congress to compose a declaration, but Jefferson did most of the writing.

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15y ago
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12y ago
who were the two authers of the declaratthe two authers of the declaration were Thomas Jefferson and john Adams.
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12y ago

they were either john Hancock and button gwinnett or john Hancock and Benjamin Harrison.. don't quote me on it though...

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Thomas Jefferson
United States Declaration of Independence was authored by Thomas Jefferson.

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Thomas Jefferson

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thomas Jefferson

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Ben Franklin

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Thomas Jefferson

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Robert and Gouverneur Morris

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Q: Who were two authors of the Declaration of Independence?
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