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If the United States was operating the way it was supposed to be and setup to be.

You are privileged to be an American because you live in a country that respects individual rights, civil rights, and privacy. We have single handed, the greatest document ever written in the history of mankind; The Constitution. Along with the Constitution you have rights, that all people should have, but unfortunately don't.

First and foremost you have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (property).

You also have a Bill of Rights, that give you freedom of speech, religion (if you choose to worship), petition, assemble, press.

The right to own a gun (or any weapon for that matter)

The right to not be forced to house a soldier (unless of course you choose to)

To have your privacy respected by not having them searched through without a warrant signed by a judge.

You have the right to refrain from incriminating yourself by remaining silent until a lawyer is present. The right to be indicted by a grand jury of your peers; to not be on trial for the same offense twice, to have your life, liberties, and property protected by the due process of law, and the right to be compensated for through imminent domain.

The right to be informed of the charges that are to be brought against you; to have a witness to defend you; to legal counsel, and to confront witnesses against you.

The right to file a civil law suit.

the right to not have unreasonable bail amount, to not be tortured, or otherwise cruel and unusual punishment.

public rights, and states rights.

If you were born in America, you can run for president. If you weren't born in America, you can still run for congress, be a judge, or city councilman.

You have many other rights too: you can vote, you can invent, or sell a good or service and make a profit for yourself, you can help others less fortunate than you, etc.

The idea was to set up a free and open society, in which everyone has a story, and that you are innocent, until proven guilty. Basically, if you aren't hurting anyone, stealing anything, or vandalizing property, you can do whatever you wish to do with your life. Other people in other countries, eg. China, do not have those rights. That is why America once stood as the beacon of freedom, "the light on the hill", so to speak. We are the great "melting pot" because everyone wants to enjoy the freedoms we have.

Unfortunately, through corruption, deception, intimidation, and greed; the United States is nothing like it once was. We used to be the great producer for the world, exporting more than we imported. We used to have a healthy and rich economy. We used to have a government who respected our liberties. We used to have a public informed and paying attention to their "surroundings." Now we are all dried up, and rotting. It is very sad, if you compare what we are now (an empirical welfare state, borderline fascist) to what we were set up to be (a Constitutional Republic of the people, for the people) The United States of America used to be the greatest country in the world. But, sadly, we are seeing what Thomas Jefferson predicted: private banks are controlling the issuance of our currency by inflation and deflation, allowing the banks and corporations to grow up around the people depriving of our property until our children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.

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