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They thought that it was unfair because the tax was too high and the colonists were unable to afford it, they had thought the laws were unfair because England was trying to control them. the colonists wanted independence and were not going to pay the unfair tax on everything.

taxation but no representation e.g. vote or voice

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it wasn't the unfair Idea that worried them, it was the idea of taxation without representation.

They didnt think it was unfairly it was just that they didnt get to speak out of what they wanted

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11y ago

It wasn't so much the matter of taxation as it was the lack of representation in Parliament. Colonists were being ruled from across the ocean with no say whatsoever in matters which affected them directly. This was a source of discontent from a number of colonies - not just America.

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10y ago

Colonists thought the taxes were unfair because they kept rising and they had no say in this. The colonists thought Britain was just trying to use them.

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Because the government put taxes on everything such as tea, stamps, and other goods

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13y ago

The reason that they thought that it was unfair was because they had no say in Parliament. That's why people get the saying " No taxation without representation!"

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They were unhappy because the colonists had no reprensentatives in Parliament and didn't like being taxed without having a say in their affairs

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It was taxation without representation. They had to pay the taxes, but they had no say in the government.

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Intolerable Acts.

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Q: Why did American colonists think the tax laws imposed by the British were unfair?
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After 1763, the British imposed unfair taxes on the colonists. They colonists began to feel that they were being exploited by Britain.

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American colonists thought British taxes were unfair.

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it is unfair because the colonists couldn't speak up for themselves because they were scared that if they did the British solders would try to harm them

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It was taxex for tea

Why did the colonist not agreed with British taxation?

The colonists felt British taxation was unfair. They were forced to pay taxes, but received basically nothing in return. Due to the colonists wanting something for their money, the phrase "taxation without representation" was coined. American colonists demanded representatives in England.

How did opposition to British tax policies the colonial rebellion in 1770?

The Great Britain Parliament had imposed high rates of taxes on the American colonists for goods that they were supplying to America. The Americans realized that without having representation in Parliament they were defenseless against these high rates of taxes. This caused them to rebel against the unfair taxation in 1776.

What type of colonists would have been unlikely to have grievances against the British government by April 1775?

All colonists would have had a grievance against the British government by April 1775. This was due to the invasions that the British troops conducted, the unfair taxation on products needed by the colonists, and other such unfair treatment that the British were passing to these people.

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Most notably, the British imposed many extremely unfair taxes onto the people, forcing them to pay extra for essentials. This was mostly used to support the British troops that were stationed in America, which the colonists thought extremely unnecessary due to the lack of major threats.

Which best describes the statement The unfair taxes imposed by Great Britain on the American colonies led directly to the American Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War?

That would be a true statement. However it is worth noting that 'unfair taxes' depends on the point of view-the British needed American taxes in order to help finance their wars in Europe, while the Colonists were viewing themselves more as "Americans" and opposed to "Englishmen." These feeling came to a boiling point during the violent demonstration known as the Boston Tea Party (16 December 1773), that helped the Colonists to understand their only remedy to the problem was independence.