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It was the Founding Father's desire to have a government that was limited in power. If the government was able to judge the people, then the government would have a unchecked power. The government would be able to condemn, or aquit, anyone, regardless of whether it was right or not. The Founding Father's probably thought that a group of men, judging an individual, would hold each other acountable more so than the government alone, as the government by itself could be biased.

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Q: Why did the founding fathers want people to be judged by a jury of peers rather than the government?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Where does the government get its powers from?

The Goverment Gets It's Power From "We The People". I Hope This Helped You!

What is the basic principle of the US Government?

The basic principle in the U.S. government is democracy. The founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure the people had control.

Why were they called the founding fatherscalled the founding fathers?

Their people started to call them the Founding Fathers because they helped progress America. They were, at the time, the country's leaders and the people thought they should be reconized as such.

What is meant by Charles Beard's thesis that the founding fathers were a conspiratiorial economic elite?

What Beard meant when he said that the founding fathers were a conspiratorial economic elite, he simply meant that the founding fathers were out for the elite group of society. Most of the laws first set forth by the constitution were for the wealthy, not for the everyday people. The founding fathers were out for their own economic interests

Were all of the founding fathers white?

No. You have to consider what the meaning of "founding fathers" are. Founding something requires laying fundamental building blocks. All of our founding fathers were not white, because many different people are responsible for the development of The United States. An example would be Greece. They qualify as a founding father for The United States. They were the first culture to install democracy into their culture after winner battles Salamis and Marathon. Our country used their method of democracy to establish government. Another example of America's founding fahers were the slaves. Slaves were the main income for agriculture. Agriculture was the fundamental building to America's Industrial Revolution. Look into the history books of our country. The founding fathers are in the pages of books. You just have to look for them. The true founding fathers of this nation were just not men signing documentation, they have definded the world we see around us each and everyday. I hope that answers your question.

Related questions

Where does the government get its powers from?

The Goverment Gets It's Power From "We The People". I Hope This Helped You!

Who said the government of the people for the people by the people?

The founding fathers when they wrote the constitution of the united states. :)

Why did our founding fathers use a representative government?

They didn't want a king, but to have a government where people decide who is to represent them.

What do you call people who were responsible for setting up the US government?

The people who set up the US government are generally called the "Founding Fathers."

Why would you say thanks to the founding fathers?

we the people of the united states would like to say thank you to our founding fathers because they have helped our country grow and beging. Our founding fathers were the leaders of america wrote the billl of rights and the constituion that begins just like the first sentence; we the people of the united states of america . our founding fathers made our government the first to believe in ''we.'' to finish it off we should say thank you to our founding fathers because they made our country possible and fought for it through 8 years and achieved it.

What is the group of people who share similar ideas about government?

Well, here's two groups of people, our founding fathers and today's conservatives.

What is the basic principle of the US Government?

The basic principle in the U.S. government is democracy. The founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure the people had control.

What were the People called who suported the constitution?

The founding fathers

What do you call the people who wrote the constitution?

The founding fathers.

What were the people who established America known as?

The Founding Fathers.

Why were they called the founding fatherscalled the founding fathers?

Their people started to call them the Founding Fathers because they helped progress America. They were, at the time, the country's leaders and the people thought they should be reconized as such.

Why did the founding fathers place a discussion on the legislative branch first?

They feared a strong executive that could operate as an authoritarian government