Congress created a system for surveying - taking a detailed measurement of an area or land.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (or the Northwest Ordinance, as it is now referred) helped the US grow by creating the first organized territory of the United States, the Northwest Territory. This territory contained land from the Great Lakes to west of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River. The Ordinance also abolished slavery in the new territory, which helped lead the way for further growth as a slave-free nation. The ordinance also created Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
Well, we worked as a nation to win independence from Britain during our revolution. We also worked as a nation during the french and Indian war
Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congress had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all. Under the Articles, the states were held together until a new government under the Constitution was created. The new nation began to emerge as one respecting the ideas that had caused the Revolutionary War in the first place.
the ordinance of 1785 and the northwest ordinance opened the way for settlement of the Northwest Territory in a stable and orderly manner
the ordinance of 1785 and the northwest ordinance opened the way for settlement of the Northwest Territory in a stable and orderly manner
The powers of the a.c. were passing the land ordinance of 1785, passed the Northwest Ordinance, negotiated the treaty of Paris at the end of the war, and governed the nation during the Revolutionary War.
Governed nation during the war. Passed the land ordinance of 1785. Passed the northwest ordinance.
The Congress enacted the Northwest Ordinance, structuring settlement of the Northwest Territory and creating policy for the addition of new states to the nation.
providing the nation with experience in self government under a written document
Nova Net: Citizens were guarenteed freedom of religion, trial by jury, and the rights of common law.
It is difficult to answer this question, because there have been a number of events that were important. For one, the creation of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, meant that this country would be governed by the rule of law and would be a democracy rather than a monarchy. Then, there was the acquisition of various pieces of land -- for example, the Northwest Ordinance provided a framework for the creation of between three and five new states, and the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and contributed to the expansion of the country.
It established the army, navy, and marines and it kept the army supplied with ammunition. Because of this, no war after Bunker Hill was lost due to lack of gun powder. Their biggest failure was that they could not pay for the war. The states denied them the right to tax, so they could not supply the war financially.governed the nation during the revolutionary warnegotiated the treaty of Paris at the end of the warpassed the land ordinance of 1785passed the northwest ordinance of 1787
Winning the Revolutionary War, soon after that we drafted the Constitution.
Congress created a system for surveying - taking a detailed measurement of an area or land.
It gave the nation freedom from Britain