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Q: Mercenaries are soldiers who fight for rather than for a cause?
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Mercenaries are soldiers who fight for what?

Mercenaries fight for heir own profit.

Is a mercenary a person that is paid to be in a war?

Mercenaries are Professional Soldiers who fight for the highest bidder, not for a cause but for money.

Did mercenaries get hired to fight for their own countries?

No, mercenaries were soldiers who were of a differing nationality who were hired to fight out of personal and private gain.

What kind of soldier fights for money and not cause?

Mercenaries are soldiers who fight for money, not for a cause. An example of mercenaries being used was in the Americna Revolutionary War, when Great Britan bought a lot of Hessian (German) mercinaries to help them fight against the colonists.

Was it a mistake for the great Britain to use mercenaries to help them fight the war?

No, because the mercenaries are foreign soldiers who fought not out of loyalty, but for pay and they payed mercenaries so the American soldiers don't die.

Soldiers paid to fight for someone?

They're called mercenaries .

German mercenaries hired by the british to fight during the American revolutionary war?

Hessian (soldiers)

Why do mercenaries fight?

Mercenaries fight because even tho mercenaries were not always loyal, they beat the Romans and took over. Mercenaries fight primarily to earn money.

Who were the group of soldiers that would work for any country that pays them?

Mercenaries fight for pay, no matter which country pays them.

What kind of military men did the british hire to fight against the colonists America?

The british hired mercenaries as soldiers.

What kind of military men did the British hire to fight against the colonists in America?

The british hired mercenaries as soldiers.

What were of the reasons that soldiers on both sides enlisted to fight in the civil war?

the mercenaries entered for pay, the colonist's entered for the chance to fight for freedom from Great Britain.