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All you need to dye cheesecloth with tea is tea. The stronger the better. Make sure its really tea and not an herbal "tea" like mint or chamomile, which contain no tea.

Make the tea with boiling water and a bunch of tea bags (easy cleanup) or loose tea (messy). Put the cheesecloth in the tea until the color you're after is achieved. Then take it out, rinse in clean water and dry. If the color isn't dark enough when dry, just put the cheesecloth back in the tea, or make a new stronger batch and re-dye. The color will be "wash fast" once the cheesecloth has been dyed, rinsed and dried. That means it will fade only slightly or not at all when you wash the cheesecloth. The color might get on other things in that wash load though, so be sure to launder tea-dyed items with things that you don't mind being stained or that won't show a light stain (like jeans, for example).

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