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No. The heart receive dual innervation -Brad Medling

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Q: Does single innervation control heart rate?
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If you have just placed an advanced airway in a patient with a respiratory condition and his heart rate decreased what BEST explains the decreasing heart rate?

Most likely you have pressed on the vagus nerve that controls parasympathetic innervation to the heart.

Does the heart require ANS innervation in order to function?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a division of the peripheral nervous system that influences the function of internal organs.[1] The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response, urination, and sexual arousal. This system is the primary mechanism in control of the fight-or-flight response and the freeze-and-dissociate response.[2]

How would exercise affect heart rate in the absence of any innervation?

Since these is no nerve supply, the heart would keep a normal rate. It would not be able to keep up with the demand for oxygen and nutrients. A heart without a nerve supply would not be viable.

Does the cerebrum control heart rate?

no the heart rate is controlled by medulla oblagonta

What organs control your breathin and your pulse rate?

Your lungs control your breathing and your heart controls your pulse rate.

How do the heart control your heart rate when you exercise?

your heart gets controls by your nervous system

What are signs of nervousness?

- increased sweating - cold, pale skin (due to vasoconstriction) - pupillary dilation - jitteriness (muscular innervation) - increased heart rate - increased blood pressure

How to control the heart rate?

Heart rate is controlled by the cardiovascular -regulatory systme which is part of the autonomic nerve system.

What effect does have on heart rate?

The ANS auto-nomic-nerve system controlls heart rate and thus control the discharge rate of the sinus node

Inervation of the heart?

Although the heart is often sast to work Autonomously (which it does) it also receives signals from the Autonomic Nervous System. This system has to parts the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic system is activated when the body is in danger and stimulates the body to prepare for action (the "fight of Flight" response). This involves an increase in the heart rate. There is not name for the sypmathetic branches that innervate the heart by they increase the heart rate by releasing Nor-epinephrine onto the SA node (the region that controls the heart rate). It also stimulates the release of Epinephrin from the Adrenal Medulla in the Kidneys. Epinephrin and nor epinephrine both stimulate the increase in heart rate (the mechanisms stray too far into physiology to answer this question here). The parasympathetic innervation of the heart comes from a nerve called the Vagus Nerve (CN x). It acts like a limitter on the heart rate holding it at a steady pace, its action decreases when the sympathetic innervation starts.

What controles your heart beat and breathing?

Hypothalamus control your heart rate. Medulla oblonga;ta assists in the control of breathing

What is a atrioventrical node?

The atrioventricular node is a part of electrical control system of the heart that co-ordinates heart rate.