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We are not sure if the theorized Higgs boson is real or not. If it is, it would be provide some support to ideas about what mass (and, therefore, gravity, which is associated mass) really is. We're still looking for experimental support that the Higgs boson is real, and now that the Large Hadron Collider is up and running, all (interested) eyes are on CERN and awaiting results.

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The Higgs boson has not been discovered yet. At the moment, CERN is running the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and it is hoped that it might help prove the existence of the Higgs boson.

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Yes, the Higgs boson has mass.

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Q: Has the Higgs boson been found yet?
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When was Higgs Boson Found at?

not yet

What are some examples of bosons?

Bosons are the carriers of forces. Examples are the photon, gluon, W and Z bosons, and the not yet found Higgs boson and the graviton.

Is a quark the same as an energy level?

No, Higgs Boson is a theoretical particle yet to be observed directly or indirectly by humans. Quarks on the other hand have been observed directly and indirectly. Also, the Higgs boson is responsible for a field, however quarks are responsible for matter, and are the basic constituents of the nuclei in atoms.

Who discovered higgs boson particle?

The Higgs boson has not yet been discovered. It has been predicted by numerous physicists (the best known is probably Peter Higgs, since the particle was named after him, but more people worked on it) and many think that it is required to explain certain features of the Standard Model, which is the model which describes particle interactions at a small scale. Recently FermiLab has published results which show they may have found the Higgs boson in their collider experiments, but the uncertainties are still too great to be able to claim with confidence that the particle has been found. If it exists, it will be found by the LHC-experiment at CERN.

How much heat energy is created by higs boson?

Not much is known yet about the Higgs Boson. The recently announced particle, which might be the Higgs boson, has a mass of about 125 GeV/c2; if you like, you can convert that to joules, to get the total energy. I assume that when such a particle decays, much of its mass will be converted to energy.

CERN god particle experiment?

The search for the Higgs Boson -- HORRIBLY nicknamed as the "God Particle" -- is an ongoing research program at CERN. At present they report (more or less), "We haven't yet definitely found it, but we also haven't yet definitely NOT found it!"

Can the Higgs boson's infinite mass be used as an infinite energy source?

Where did you hear the Higg's Boson had infinite mass? If it did no accelerator could possibly make it and it could never be found. Yet they make accelerators of ever greater power hoping to find it someday.

Where is the Higgs boson?

Nobody is really quite sure yet. The existence of the Higgs boson is predicted by the Standard Model of quantum mechanics, but nobody has yet been able to experimentally detect one, so a lot of the details of it are still unknown. The Standard Model does not predict what mass the Higgs boson would have, so it could be anything, really, though it's generally assumed that its mass is somewhere between 115 and 180 GeV/c2, because if it is that will make all the equations we have work properly for pretty much all cases. It is possible, however, that we'll find out that it isn't in this range (or we may not ever be able to find one at all), in which case people may have to make some changes to our current theories to account for why it's different than we expected.

Have scientists learned everything about particles?

No. The most famous particle yet to be discovered is the Higgs boson, which it is hoped the new CERN cyclotron will knock out. The US might have had the honor had it not decided to cancel its own Superconducting Super Collider. There are likely other particles as yet waiting to be found. The book on quantum mechanics has many chapters yet to be added.

What is a negative Higgs field?

A Higgs boson field is simply a medium of Higgs bosons with which other particles pass through and interact. The Higgs boson field is believed to be what gives some particles their mass, though the existence of Higgs bosons has yet to be proven.

How is 2012 important in science?

Scientific progress happens every year, and the year 2012 is not over yet, either (as I type, in July 2012) but perhaps the outstanding scientific event of the year was the recent detection of the long sought Higgs boson.

What predictions does the Standard Model make and what would refute it?

Probably one of the most well known predictions that the standard model makes, is the prediction of the existence of the Higgs Boson particle - a particle that should be responsible for all of the mass in the universe. Without this particle, the standard model falls apart, but it is yet to be found. The primary ambition of the Large Hadron Collider, was to find this particle, but it is yet to achieve that goal.