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It's depending on the size really, I'm answering from a large scale. I think what I would do is make a basic shape from mesh and stuff it with news paper and secure it with ties. then cover it with strips of newspaper dipped in glue until it's all covered then build it up with papier mache, adding detail (scales, eyes, ears etc...) Then when it's dry paint it in your desired colours and what not :)

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Q: How do you make a paper mache dragon head?
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To make a Paper Mache Dragon, you need a balloon, a whole lot of toilette paper tubes, and tape. Blow the balloon up to make the body and then tape the toilette paper tubes to the balloon to make the 4 legs tail and neck. Once every thing is taped caver the dragon with paper mache. To make paper mache: One part flour, two parts water.

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You use paper mache to make a foot. Your welcome.

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If you know how to make paper mache you could make a paper mache heart.

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Get straw or beanbag beads.

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How do you use papier-mache in a sentence?

I know how to make paper - mache out of napkins.

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Making a time capsule out of paper mache is easy. Simply create your mixture and cover a box with the paper strips until the paper mache can hold on its own.

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Use wire coathangers, chickenwire, etc, to form the 'bones' on which to plaster the paper mache

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you can make a paper mache shield