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So, first of all, you wouldn't believe how much time was spent researching how rainsticks actually work. There is actually very little information on HOW they work, altough there is plenty on how to make your own. Ultimately, good ol' Wikipedia was there for me and here is their explanation on the matter: " A rainstickis a long, hollow tube which is filled with small baubles such as beads or beans and has small pins arranged helically on its inside surface. When the stick is upended, the beads fall to the other end of the tube, making a sound reminiscent of a rainstorm as they bounce off the pins. The rainstick is generally used to create atmospheric sound effects or as a percussion instrument. They have become very popular in the last 30 years. The rainstick is generally considered to have been invented in South America's Chile, and was played in the belief that it could bring about rainstorms. " For details, visit: p.s. The main reason I posted this was because some IDIOT on the internet took it upon himself/herself to post an answer of "poop" originally under this question of "how do rainsticks work?" This is absolutely adolescent and absurd to me. For an inquiries, send to

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Q: How long has the rain stick been around?
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How long have rain sticks been around?

= rain sticks been around for more than thousands of years =

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Since right around the time that rain showers and the sun began.

What culture used the rain stick?

Native Americans and west African tribes used the rain stick

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Yes stick instects do live in the rain forest. I live near the rain forest at Mount Tambourine, Australia and regularly see stick insects.

Why did they mack the rain stick?

they made the rain stick by putting beans in a hollow tube and closing off both ends.

What is the instrument measuring by a rain gauge and a meter stick?

Rain / Snow

Who made the first rain stick?

the rain stick was first used in Chile and is a beautifut percussion instrument.

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4,ooo years

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How do you say glean in a sentence?

I glean(gather) from what you have been saying that California has not had a torrent(pouring rain) of rain in a long time.

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How long has destruction been happening in the amazon rain forest?

50 years