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A tsunami cannot be precisely predicted even if the right magnitude of an earthquake occurs in the right location. Systems that uses bottom pressure sensors attached to buoys can successfully predict a tsunami. No one yet knows why a tsunami may or may not occur after an earthquake.

It is not necessary that a Tsunami follows an earthquake.

It only happens when focus of earthquake is in the sea bed. Since earthquakes are caused by seismic waves produced due to collisions of the tectonic plates, these waves high disturbance in the sea water and hence the water takes the form of Tsunamis.

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13y ago
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14y ago

IF a tsunami were created by the earthquake (not all quakes can or will create a tsunami), it would depend on how far away the quake is from the point where the tsunami actually strikes. It might be minutes or it might be hours before a tsunami strikes land, or both. For instance, if there were a tsunami generated by a quake in the Pacific Ocean, it might take only minutes to strike Hawaii, but hours to strike mainland North and/or South America, and it might not strike mainland Asia at all.

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13y ago

When earthquake happen on the ocean floor, tsunami's often result.

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I don't really know but i know it did a lot of damage and if you see a video than you'll see that a house was getting you know i don't know how to explain

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Approximately 15 minutes.

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About 30 minutes later.

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five minuites

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10 minutes

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Q: How many minutes after the earthquake in Japan did the tsunami hit?
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Why were so many buildings destroyed in the 2011 Japanese earthquake?

It had a very very high magnitude and lasted long with many many aftershocks. Also many natural disasters were in play with it, like a Tsunami..Also I am not sure because I only heard it on the Colbert Report and might have not been true but also a volcano explosion happen.A relative who was over near the Earthquake but not in Japan said that the North ridge earthquake of 94 was nothing compared to the length and magnitude of this earthquake.

How did people respond to the japan earthquake?

many people wanted to...... dont think i am gonna do ur assessment for you

Can a 6.0 earthquake cause a tsunami?

well an earthquake with a magnitude of 1 can cause a tsunami of about 6ft lol heres a chartTsunami magnitude mTsunami heightHDamage-150 cmNone01 mVery small damage12Coastal and ship damage24 ~ 6Damage and lives lost in certain landward areas310 ~ 20Considerable damage along more than 400 km of coastline430Considerable damage along more than 500 km of coastlinenote that magnitude is above the height of the tsunami

What is the strongest tsunami in history?

The tsunami that just hit japan has been considered the strongest in RECORDED history. While it was not the most devastating, the epicenter (somewhere in the pacific) was powerful enough to affect the earth's orbit around the sun ever so slightly... that says large to me.Answer#2The highest tsunami apparently is the 1958 Lituya Bay(Alaska) mega-tsunami with a record height of 524 m (1742 ft).In comparison the tsunami caused by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that hit Japan reportedly struck a coastal city in Japan at just over 23 meters (77 feet) high and in many places up to 10 meters (33 feet).

Can an earthquakes affect your health?

Yes. Many Japanese died as a result of an earthquake and tsunami, as did those in Christchurch New Zealand as the result of an earthquake.

Related questions

How many people did the tsunami and earthquake in Japan?


How many people die in the tsunami and earthquake in japan?

0ver 3000 :(

How many minutes did the Japan earthquake last?

The Japan earthquake in 2011 lasted for about 6 minutes.

How many communities in Japan were damaged by the earthquake and how many by the tsunami?

riei thf deygtg

What is the affect of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan?

Many towns were destroyed. Many people have died and are unaccounted for.

How many feet did the island of japan move due to the tsunami?

The island of Japan moved approximately 8 feet eastward due to the 2011 tsunami that was caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

How many people are killed in Japan?

There was about 2000 people killed because of the Tsunami and earthquake

Is it the first time an earthquake and TSUNAMI hit Japan?

No, Japan has a long history of earthquakes and tsunamis due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire. The most recent major earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan was in 2011, causing significant damage and loss of life.

How many deaths have there been in the Japan earthquake and Tsunami?

there have been 12,000 deaths so far

How many Americans were killed in Japan during the earthquake and tsunami?

Around 500. Its hard to say.

What was the impact the tsunami and earthquake had on Japan?

Japan was effected strongly by the earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March 2011. Many lives, jobs, buildings and homes were lost. A tsunami also occurred because of the earthquake. Nuclear power plants suffered from leakage, and the radiation still needs to be completely cleaned up.

What was the earthquake and tsunami rated in japan 2011?

The earthquake in Japan was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. (After the quake hit, seismologists ranked it from an 8.9 to a 9.0.) The tsunami's height was recorded to be about 33 feet. Many counts say that the number is much higher, even as high as a 3-4 story building.