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Q: Is the word implications followed by to or for ie implications to or for therapeutic advances?
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What is bus route?

The term 'bus route' is a compound noun, a word for a course regularly followed by a passenger bus; a word for a thing.

What does the narrator mean when he says the following doubtless said you what it uttes is its only stock and store caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster followed fast and followed?

The bird is just saying the only word it knows.

What part of speech is the word Excellence?

The word 'excellent' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good; for example an excellent reference, an excellentbook.The word 'excellent' is also an exclamation, a word to express approval or pleasure. The exclamation is usually followed by an exclamation point: Excellent!

is receive a soft c or a hard c?

The word receive is a soft c word.A hard c is usually followed by A, O, or U and is pronounced as K.A soft c is usually followed by E, I, or Y and is pronounced as S.Some examples of Soft C words:CeaseCedarCedeCederCelebrateCelebrationCelebrityCeleryCelestialCelibateCellarCellCementCemeteryCenotaphCentennialCenterCentimeterCentipedeCentralCentCenturionCenturyCerealCerebellumCerebrumCeriseCertainCesareanCessationCesspoolCiderCigaretteCigarCilantroCinchCinderCinemaCinnamonCinquainCisternCiteCitizenCitrusCityCivilianCivilizationCivilCyanCylinderCymbalCypressCystCytoplasm

Is the word by a noun or pronoun?

One way is to say "we went by a house the other day that smelt weird." that's all i can think of right now. There's also "I went by a house the other day that smelt good, and i wanted to BUY it."

Related questions

Is the word implications followed by to or for ie implications to or for nursing practice?

implications for - is correct.

What is a sentence for the word therapeutic?

Therapeutic refers to the healing of disease. The hot bath was therapeutic for his arthritis.

The word therapeutic used in a sentence?

The man was put through therapeutic techniques to help him through his problems.

How do you use the word therapeutic in a sentence?

It was so therapeutic to soak in the bath after working all day in the garden.

How do you spell therapudic?

That is the correct spelling of the word "therapeutic."

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What is the word called that automatically advances to the insertion point to the next line?

word wrap

Can you give me a sentence for the word implications?

The implications of the charges are quite serious, possibly resulting in a long prison sentence. Stubbing your toe has minor implications in the emergency room. The raid on the speakeasy resulted in implications a-plenty! I implicated all of the points about poverty that were told in the meeting last night.

Word automatically advances the insertion point to the next line is called?

Its called: word wrap

How do you spell medisons?

The likely word here is the plural noun "medicines" (therapeutic drugs).

Another word for followed up with?

Try "in addition to" or "followed by".

How many syllables in the word followed?

There are two syllables in the word "followed".