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Q: What is the final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain that functions in aerobic oxidative phosphorylation?
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The final electron acceptor of the electron transport chain that functions in oxidative phosphorylation is?

Oxygen is the final exceptor

What is oxygens purpose in the body?

It is the final electron acceptor is the oxidative phosphorylation pathway.

What type of cell respirtaion use oxygen?

Aerobic cellular respiration. Remember, oxidative phosphorylation can take place without the use of oxygen as the final electron acceptor.

What is oxygen needed for in the amoeba?

The amoebae is an eukaryote, so it uses oxygen for the same reason you do. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the process of oxidative phosphorylation that takes place in the mitochondria.

What does an Aerobe use as the final electron acceptor?

Aerobes use oxygen as the final electron acceptor in electron transport phosphorylation. The process that yields a final product called lactate fermentation.

What is an electron acceptor in oxidative phosporylation?


Photophosphorylation differs from oxidative phosphorylation in that?

in oxidative phosphorylation, the H+ moved out of the cell using the channel proteins that make up the ETC (electron transport chain) and then they flow back into the mitochondria through the ATP synthase because of the concentration gradient. Photophosphorylation has its H+ ions travelling in the opposite direction (from inside to outside of the chloroplasts through ATP synthase. Another difference is the fact that in photophosphorylation the H+ are produced by splitting water while the H+ in oxidative phosporylation come from H+ that have been removed from compounds and have had their electrons removed by NAD+ or FAD.

What serves as a terminal electron acceptor in mitochondria?

Oxygen accepts 2 electrons from FADH or NADH (electron transporters) after they go the the electron transport chain along with 2 protons to form water. This whole process is also known as Oxidative Phosphorylation if you want to impress your teacher or convince your parents you've been studying

What chemical substance must be provided from outside the cell for aerobic respiration to take place?

glucose and oxygen

What is the difference between substrate level phosphorylation and chemiosmosis?

substrate level phosphorylation does not involve (electron transport chain), oxidative phosphorylation does. Substrate level phosphorylation involves the direct transfer of phosphate from a phosphate bearing molecule to ADP, thus yielding ATP. In cellular respiration, oxidative phosphorylation requires a protein, ATP synthase, to channel energy provided by a concentration of H ions; this energy results in the combining of phosphate with ADP.

What two parts of cellular respiration require oxygen?

-Oxidative phosphorylation: oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, it also breaks apart and combines with 4 hydrogen atoms to form 2 water molecules. -The Citric Acid Cycle occurs only when oxygen is present but it doesn't use oxygen directly.

Which catabolic processes may have been used by cells on ancient Earth before free oxygen became available?

glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation, using an electron acceptor other than oxygen