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Answer: Although China has the largest population, it is not considered overpopulated because the land mass is so large.

If you consider overpopulation to be a measure of the difference between the number of people in a country and the number of people that countries land area and resources can sustainably support, then Singapore is only 0.3% self sufficient. (China is 44.2%)

Since Singapore is a city state you may consider it to be a special case. These are the bottom 25 by this sustainability measure. (Source Optimum Population Trust)

1 Singapore

2 Kuwait

3 Israel

4 Korea, Republic of

5 United Arab Emirates

6 Jordan

7 Japan

8 Mauritius

9 Lebanon

10 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

11 Nepal

12 Saudi Arabia

13 Netherlands

14 Belgium

15 Jamaica

16 Palestinian Territory

17 Iraq

18 Italy

19 Qatar

20 Switzerland

21 Macedonia TFYR

22 United Kingdom

23 Portugal

24 Spain

25 Greece

If you look at simple population densities. How many people by square mile. (Source

1 Monaco

2 Singapore

3 Malta

4 Bahrain

5 Bangladesh

6 Maldives

7 Vatican City

8 Mauritius

9 Barbados

10 San Marino

11 Korea (South)

12 Nauru

13 Lebanon

14 Netherlands

15 Rwanda

16 Tuvalu

17 Haiti

18 Israel

19 India

20 Belgium

21 Marshall Islands

22 Japan

23 Comoros

24 Phillipines

25 Sri Lanka

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