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The extinction of the Cape warthog can be attributed largely to two factors. Firstly with the expansion of the Cape Colony the demand for pig meat would have risen so drastically that they would have been exterminated in the regions nearest the Fort (Cape Town) soon after the arrival of the Dutch colonists. They were already extinct in Namaqualand prior to the settlement at the Cape and it is suggested by some that this population was exterminated by the Khoikhoi and San people, although this might be somewhat contradictory as others hold that the Khoikhoi and San strongly rejected pig meat. For the drier karoid regions it would have been easier to eradicate as they were probably more thinly distributed in those regions. Secondly, after all the heavy persecutions on their population, the remaining animals were exterminated by the Rinderpest epidemic in 1896. To close, the Cape Warthog, like most of the other South African mammals who had restricted distributions (e.g. Cape lion, Cape black rhino, Quagga and Blue antelope), suffered greatly under the persecutions of man and his weapon. Marcel H. van der Merwe

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Q: Why when did the cape warthog became extinct?
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