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Principal quantum number.

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Q: All of the orbitals in a given electron shell have the same value of the?
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What is the ratio of natural frequency on earth to moon?

The ratio of natural frequency of earth to moon can be given by the under-root of their value og 'g' as the formula for natural frequency can be write as "under root of g/delta"...

Why gravitational force reduces towards the centre of earth?

The force of gravity on you is zero anywhere inside a homogeneous spherical shellof mass. Because for every speck of mass in the shell toward which you're attracted,there's enough mass elsewhere in the shell, arranged in the right shape, to attract youwith an equal force in exactly the oppositedirection.If you're below the Earth's surface, everything outside of where you are comprisesa spherical shell, and the acceleration of gravity at any radius inside the Earth is theresult of the smaller sphere that's inside that radius, as if the rest didn't exist.So as you descend into the Earth, the acceleration of gravity where you arecontinuously decreases.That's kind of satisfying in a way . . . The highest value for the acceleration ofgravity associated with a planet is what you encounter on the surface, and itdecreases if you either rise off of the surface or descend below it.

Why do some US bills have a star at the end of the serial number?

This indicates a problem in the printing. The original bill was destroyed, and the replacement was given the same serial number, with the asterisk (star). They're somewhat rare, but they're only worth face value, because there's really no demand for them.

What is the value of a solid bronze moon medal 1969?

$60.00 value

What is value cluster's?

"Value Clusters" are values that together form a larger whole.

Related questions

What is shell?

Orbitals with the same value of Principal Quantum number , n.

Why does the electron cloud become larger as the value of n increases?

in order to accomodate more electrons in the shell the electron cloud needs to be broadened

How many orbitals make up the 3d subshell?

If m sub l is three, then there can be 7 orbitals, since the l value (the one that corresponds to the orbitals) would be 3 (denoting the f orbital).

What is the first quantum number of a 1s2 electron in phosphorus?

The first quantum number (n) represents the energy level (shell), so for a 1s2 electron, it would have a value of 1.

How do you calculate LFSE value?

The difference between (1) the total energy of a coordination complex with the electron configuration resulting from ligand field splitting of the orbitals and (2) the total energy for the same complex with all the d orbitals equally populated is called the ligand field stabilization energy, or LFSE.

What is the relative energy in the s orbital?

The relative energy of the s orbital is lower than that of the p, d, and f orbitals. In a multi-electron atom, the s orbital has a lower energy because it experiences a stronger attraction to the positive nucleus due to its spherical shape and higher electron density. Therefore, electrons are more likely to occupy the s orbital before filling higher-energy orbitals.

Why does period 3 has a maximum of 8 elements and not 18?

According to a law, the orbital with lower n+l value fills first. So 4S has lower energy i.e. lower n+l value (4) than 3D (5). So the elements after 3P^6 move to the 4th periodic table .

How many f orbitals have the value n equals 2?


What is the valence value of an element?

In other words, valence value is the combining capacity of and element.

Why does chlorine readily accept another electron?

Chlorine readily accepts another electron because it just needs to gain one more e- to complete its outer shell of valence electrons. Once chlorine's outer shell is filled, the element becomes more stable. Chlorine's whole family of elements (F, Cl, Br, I) all readily accept one more electron.

What does the principal quantum number tell you?

The principal quantum number is the level of the most energetic electrons in an atom. It also corresponds to which period the element is in on the periodic table. For example, barium has a principal quantum number of 6 because its valence electrons are in level 6, and the element is in period 6.

Why 1st ionization energy of Li is lower than that of Hydrogen?

1st ionization energy is the energy to remove one electron from a neutral atom. 2nd ionization energy is the energy to remove an electron from a positively charged ion. When this is done there is a stronger attraction for electrons in the ion than in the neutral atom because there is one less electron to 'interfere' with the electron being removed.