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Astronomers are unable to prove the existence of dark matter & dark energy.

In fact astronomers have not yet proved most astronomical effects. Worm holes, black holes, or even the big bang. But proof in theories is almost impossible. The longer a theory stays intact is a sign of it's "proof" but some "sane" theories have been proven to be incorrect - "Einsteins biggest blunder".

No scientist will say they have proved anything "astronomical" as it is almost impossible to prove anything without physical interaction.

It's a bit like saying "I can prove that dogs live in the next street" based on only hearing their barks and not actually going there.

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Q: Astronomers have been unable to prove it exists?
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What had Astronomers have been unable to prove that it exists?

'Dark matter' and 'dark energy' have not been observed or proven yet.

What have Astronomers have been unable to prove that what exist?

'Dark matter' and 'dark energy' have not been observed or proven yet.

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There are several speculative ideas in astronomy, which can't currently be proved - nor completely disproved. Some of these include wormholes; parallel universes; the possibility of time travel and faster-than-light travel.

What is the thing astronomers have been able to proove that it exists?

Black Holes

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As easily as you can prove the United States exists -- people have been to both places. Or simply - if you can see it, and other people can see it, then it exists.

What is something that astronomers have been unable to prove?

Search the Wikipedia for "Unsolved problems in astronomy". One such problem is, how does the Sun's corona heat up to a temperature that is much higher than the photosphere. Although there are some ideas how this happens, the details aren't quite clear yet.

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AnswerMany have tried to prove God exists. Some of the suggestions have been that God 'must' have created the world, the Bible contains prophecies or even that God exists because the Bible says so. But no one has ever provided undeniable proof that God exists.

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As astronaut travels into outer space and some have been killed doing so. Most astronomers stay on the planet Earth and look up into space. There have been astronauts who are astronomers, but, most astronomers are not astronauts. There have been tens of millions of astronomers looking up at outer space, but, only a few hundred astronauts. No, they are not the same.

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Only astronauts have been to the moon.

Why does not everyone believe in God?

If there were any proof of the existence of God, it would not require faith to believe in him - it would be a fact that no reasonable person would deny. After almost two thousand years, theologians are still unable to prove that God even exists, so some among us feel that they have been given long enough to make their case, and that God does not exist.

How long have astronomers been looking for a new planet?

Since the beginning of astronomy. Astronomers are ALWAYS looking for new things.

Proof god doesnt exist?

It is not possible to prove God doesn't exist, just as we can't prove fairies, elves and unicorns don't exist. The inability to prove something doesn't exist does not therefore mean that it does exist. It is not possible to prove that there is no teapot in orbit around Pluto, yet the lack of such a proof doesn't mean that the teapot therefore exists. There have been several attempts to prove that God exists using logic (eg Kalam cosmological argument, Transcendental Argument for God [TAG]), but these are not universally accepted as valid and true - if they were then there'd be no need for any further discussion.