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high tide

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Q: Bulge that takes place on parts of earth facing or opposite the moon?
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Bulge that takes place on parts of the faceing or opposite the moon?

The bulge that takes place on parts of the facing or opposite the moon is high tide.

Why do most coastal regions have two high and low tides?

Pick a location on the Earth. Pick a location that is exactly on the opposite side of the Earth. Now, at the first point, imagine the moon or sun directly overhead. This will 'pull' the ocean water toward the moon or earth in a sort of bulge. At the same time, that point on the opposite side of the earth will bulge away from the moon and sun. So this is one high tide on opposite sides of the Earth. The earth revolves in 12 hours so that point 2 is closest to the moon or sun, and point 1 is farther. You get that same 2 bulges. We have just described two high tides in a day. Similarly, on both cases, the tides half way between the 'bulges' are at low tide, because water is being forced away to make those 2 bulges, and also twice a day.

Does moon change it shape?

The Moon does not really change its shape. It just seems to change its shape, or go through phases, because we only see the parts of it that are lit up by the Sun. The portion of the Moon that we see depends on where the Moon is in its orbit around Earth. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, the side facing us is dark. We call this a new moon. Gradually, as the Moon orbits Earth, more and more of the side facing us is lit up by sunlight. When the Moon reaches the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun is, the side of the Moon facing us is completely lit up by sunlight and we see a full moon. Then we see less and less of the Moon until it becomes a new moon again. The time that it takes for the Moon to change from one new moon to the next new moon is about 29.5 days.

Differences in the moon's pull on different parts of Earth cause what?

When the moon pulls on different parts of the Earth it causes tides

Why does the moon have such an effect on earth's tides and not the sun?

Actually, the sun does affect the earth's tides. The moon and the sun work together to form the tides. When the moon or the sun pull on the earth's oceans, they form an oval shape with 'bulges' on opposite sides of the earth. Those bulges are high tide; the stretched-thin parts are low tide.When the moon is opposite of the sun (full moon; opposition), the gravity of both the sun and the moon combine to pull even harder on the oceans in opposite directions, thus increasing the bulge and generating spring tides. However, during first quarter or third quarter (half-full moon; the moon is at a 90-degree angle to the sun as viewed from above), the solar force and the lunar force partially cancel each other out, making the tides smaller - these are called neap tides.The reason that the moon is the predominate player in earth's tides is simply because of its proximity, and its size relative to the earth. The sun, while being many times more massive (and thus, having many times more gravity), is much farther away, so its effect largely mediates the lunar effect.

Related questions

Bulge that takes place on parts of earth facing or opposite the moon is called?

high tide

Bulge that takes place on parts of the faceing or opposite the moon?

The bulge that takes place on parts of the facing or opposite the moon is high tide.

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Time difference on Earth depends on which parts of the earth are facing the sun, the parts facing directly too the sun would be in mid day/12am and the opposite side of this would me at midnight/12pm and so on.

Day and night happen because of?

It happens because the Earth rotates. So at any time, half of the Earth is facing the Sun, so it is bright and day time there and the other half is facing away from the Sun so it is dark and night time. As the Earth continues to rotate, parts that were facing the Sun are soon facing away from it and the parts facing away from it are now facing it, so everywhere gets day and night.

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it is because the sun is facing on the side of the earth and as it rotates, the side that gets the sun switches

Why do most coastal regions have two high and low tides?

Pick a location on the Earth. Pick a location that is exactly on the opposite side of the Earth. Now, at the first point, imagine the moon or sun directly overhead. This will 'pull' the ocean water toward the moon or earth in a sort of bulge. At the same time, that point on the opposite side of the earth will bulge away from the moon and sun. So this is one high tide on opposite sides of the Earth. The earth revolves in 12 hours so that point 2 is closest to the moon or sun, and point 1 is farther. You get that same 2 bulges. We have just described two high tides in a day. Similarly, on both cases, the tides half way between the 'bulges' are at low tide, because water is being forced away to make those 2 bulges, and also twice a day.

How the earth's spinning causes day and night?

As the earth rotates, different parts of the earth face the sun, that's day. The parts rotated away from the sun don't get any light, so it's night there. So when the earth spins, it faces different directions, away from the sun and facing the sun.

Why is it light in the day?

During the day the side of the Earth you are on faces our local star (the Sun) which generates energy in its core by a process of nuclear fusion. This energy escape out of the surface of the sun in the form of light and this light illuminates the sun-ward facing parts of the Earth. This makes it light during the day. At night the part of the Earth you are on is not facing the Sun and therefore you are in the shadow of the Earth and it is dark.

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How does the earth affect seasonal changes?

The Earth orbits the Sun once every year, as I'm sure you were already aware of. The world also rotates on it's own axis so at different points during the day different parts of the world will be facing the Sun creating the night/day process.However, where the Earth is in relation to the Sun along with what part of the world is facing the Sun at that point affects what season different parts of the world are in.For example if the world is to the left of the Sun, the countries to the right hand side of the Earth will be in winter. And if the Earth is to the North of the Sun, the countries to the South of the Earth will be in Summer.