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A planet's proximity to the Sun affects how much light and warmth it will receive. In addition to its distance from the Sun, surface reflectivity as well as the planet's atmosphere or greenhouse effect. Light from the Sun will either be reflected back into space or make it to the ground to heat it up.

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Q: How much light and warmth a planet receives depends on what?
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The amount of light and warmth a planet receives depends on what?

distance and atmosphere

The amount of light and warmth a planet from the sun depends on what factors?

The amount of light and warmth a planet receives depends on their distance from the sun and the atmosphere. If the atmosphere has high levels of Carbon Dioxide, the gases will trap more heat.

The amount of light and warmth a planet receives from the sun depends on what factors?

Energy emitted by the Sun Distance from the Sun Reflectance of the planet Radius of the planet Green house effect of the planet's atmosphere

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Mercury, because it is the closest planet to the sun.

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the earth itself receives light from the sun. but it has the moon. the moon is the answer i think.

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How much light and how much warmth a planet has depends on what?

Distance from the sun, size of the molten core, composition of the atmosphere and in some cases, speed of orbit / closeness to another heavenly body of greater mass which causes friction by pulling the crust/interior of the other planet in directions it would've experience if it was away from other objects.

Why is the Earth warm?

The Earth receives light, energy and warmth from the sun. Additionally, Earth still benefits from the decay of radioactive materials in its interior, and tidal distortions do their part in adding frictional energy.