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Jupiter has more mass than Saturn and is closer to the sun. Therefore more gravitational force is acting on Jupiter.

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Q: Is the gravitational pull stronger from Jupiter to the sun or Saturn to the sun?
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Does Pluto have a stronger gravitational pull as compared to Jupiter?

No. Jupiter's gravity is much stronger than Pluto's

Why would a rocket have to travel at a faster speed to escape Jupiter's gravitational pull?

Jupiter's gravitational pull is much stronger than that of Earth.

How does your mass change on Jupiter?

Your mass increases on Jupiter because of Jupiter's greater (stronger) gravitational pull.

What are 2 planets with a stronger gravitational pull than earth?

Jupiter and Neptune.

Is Jupiter's gravitational pull stronger than any other planet?

yes, it is the largest

What does the phrase the earth is a satellite of the sun mean?

A Satellite is any object that orbits another object that has a stronger gravitational pull. For example, the Moon is the Earth's natural satellite. Mars has several, as do Saturn and Jupiter. All of the planets, including Earth, are satellite bodies of the Sun (Sol), since they all orbit the Sun, which has a much stronger gravitational pull.

Why does jupiter have a stronger pull than earth?

Gravitational attraction is a result of the amount of matter there is in an object. The more mass the greater the gravitational attraction. Jupiter has far more mass than the earth hence a greater gravitational attraction.

Why are you not pulled in to Jupiter?

Because Jupiter has no gravitational pull

What is Jupiter's gravitational force?

The gravitational force of Jupiter is thought to be 24.79 m/s2. That is 2.5 times the gravitational pull of Earth.

Is the gravitational pull on the moon stronger or weaker than the gravitational pull on the earth?


How would you give an object gravitational pull?

All obects have a gravitational pull. The larger it is, the stronger the pull.

Does Saturn have any gravitational pull?
