

Suns distance in light years from us?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The sun is too close to us to be measured in light years; it is 8 light-minutes away.

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Q: Suns distance in light years from us?
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Is Capella is A light years away from earth how long will it take to reach earth?

A light-year is the distance light travels in a year. Therefore, if a certain star is "x" light-years from Earth, then it takes light "x" years to get fromthe star to us. Or the other way round.

How does distance between earth and sun compare to distance between earth and nearby stars and galaxies?

We measure distances between celestial objects (such as suns, planets, and galaxies) by a unit of measurement called "AU" which stands for, Astronomical Unit. One AU is the equivalent to 93 million miles, which is roughly the distance from earth to the sun. Let's compare that to the next closest star to us, Alpha Centauri, which is 4.4 light years away, or about 271,930 AUs! Distances are Immense.

How long would it take light to travel from the nearest star to us?

The nearest star to Earth is regarded as the Sun. The light from the Sun takes 8.3 minutes approximately, after calculating the distance of the Sun from Earth and the speed of light. It can be calculated by the formula: Time = Distance / Speed. If you mean the nearest star apart from the Sun, that is "Proxima Centauri". That light from that star takes about 4.22 years to reach us.

How many years pass before light from Alpha Centauri reaches earth?

Alpha Centauri is a triple star system. Alpha Centauri A, B & C or Proxima Centauri. Alpha Centauri A & B are 4.37 light years from the Earth whereas Alpha Centauri C is 4.243 light years.

How can the universe be 156 billion years in diameter if it is only 14 billion light years old?

The diameter must be expressed in a unit of distance/length - for example in light-years - NOT in years. The answer is that the distant parts of the Universe are going away from us, faster than the speed of light. Inside its own local space, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. But in the case of the expansion of the Universe, you might say that space itself is expanding. This makes it possible for objects to move away from us faster than light.

Related questions

What is the distance of the Alphard star?

Approximately 180 light-years from us.

How long will it take for light to reach us from a galaxy 8 million light years away?

8 million years. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year.

Why are Light Years used to measure distance of stars from the Earth?

Because no other unit of distance is large enough. The closest star system to us is 4.2 light years away, which is about 25,000,000,000,000 miles.

What is the distance between milky way and a group of galaxies know as the Virgo cluster?

That's at a distance of about 54 million light-years from us.

How long would it take to travel to alpha centauri going at the speed of light?

Approximately 4.3 years. The distance is 4.3 light-years; a light-year is the distance you can travel in a year, at the speed of light. Please note that current technology doesn't allow us to travel anywhere near the speed of light.

What was earth like when light reaching us left theta eridani?

Theta Eridani is at a distance of 120 light years; this means that light reaching us now left it 120 years ago. At that time, there were no cars, no airplanes, no computers, no Internet, ...

What is the distance of the Earth from the constellation Virgo?

There is no single answer to this question. The stars' distances can range from 10 or so light years to about 60,000 light years. You have to specify which stars.

How far in kilometers will a star travel if it takes 37 light years to reach earth?

The star won't normally "travel the 37 light-years to Earth". 37 light-years would most likely be the distance from the star to Earth; it takes light from the star 37 years to reach us. Please note that a light-year is a unit of distance; it is NOT a unit of time. To convert from light-years to kilometers, multiply the number of light-years by 9.5 x 1012.

What is the distance between stars and glaxies?

Typical distances between nearby stars are in the order of a few light-years; for example, the closest star to Earth (after our Sun) is at a distance of about 4.2 light-years. Typical distances between nearby galaxies are in the order of a hundred-thousand light-years, to several million light-years. For example, the Andromeda Galaxy is at a distance of about 3 million light-years; while that's the closest large galaxy, there are several dwarf galaxies that are closer to us.

What is the furthest distance discovered into space by telescope?

13.7 billion light years is as we can see. This is because the light is still traveling to us and we are yet to see it.

How long does it take starlight to reach us?

The distance of Altair is listed as 16.8 light-years.That's something like 1.1 million times the distance from the earth to the sun !

Is Capella is A light years away from earth how long will it take to reach earth?

A light-year is the distance light travels in a year. Therefore, if a certain star is "x" light-years from Earth, then it takes light "x" years to get fromthe star to us. Or the other way round.