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1. independent assortment of chromosomes

Chromosome can sort differently and exchange different amounts of information. It's a little complicated, but basically chromosomes can line up so that the replicates which were formed during meiosis can get multiple allele configurations. Example: Four chromosomes, two homologous pairs replicate. One from each pair has either recessive or dominant alleles. You can end up with either a recessive-recessive and dominant-dominant, or both heterozygous. The sources has a link to help understand more.

2. crossing over

This one is easy, during crossing over with gamete formation, genetic material from the mother (eggs) or father (sperm) are not all the same. You may get different combinations of traits from the father or mother. In other words, since a gamete is technically have the DNA from the father, the same half is not always taken from the father's genome.

3. random fertilization

Sperm all have different combinations of the father's DNA due to crossing over. Mix that up with the eggs from the mother which also contain different parts of her DNA, and you have a random chance that a particular sperm with particular traits is going to fertilize a particular egg with a particular trait. In other words, it's hard to get the exact same genes twice when having kids.

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12y ago
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11y ago

There are three sources of genetic variation in meiosis:

1) Independent assortment = like shuffling a deck of cards and dealing out half the deck

2) Crossing over = homologous chromosomes swap parts, making new combinations

3) Random fertilization = only one sperm cell makes it into the egg

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13y ago

When crossing over occurs, (the homologous pairs swap parts of each other), it results in the four haploid daughter cells being unique, because crossing over doesn't happen at the same place every time, and the swapped areas are different from each other. Also, independent assortment occurs because the chromosomes can line up in different orders in metaphase I, so each time it will be different, increasing genetic diversity.

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8y ago

1. Exchange of genetic material during meiosis by crossing over.2. Mutation by various mutagenic agents bring sudden changes in the genetic make up of an organism that is transmitted in the gametes during meiosis.

3. Through polyploidy i. e. by addition and deletion of chromosomes in nature and by artificial means resulting in to addition in the basic chromosome number of the gametes formed during meiosis.

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13y ago

Independent Assortment, Crossing Over, and Random Fertilization

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12y ago


2)independent assortment

3)random fertilization

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13y ago

You should not post this the day before the midterm dummass

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Q: 3 sources of genetic variation in meiosis?
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How does meiosis introduce genetic variation into offspring?

1 by crossing over in prophase I , 2 by independent assoartment and 3 by mutations in s phase .1 by crossing over in prophase I , 2 by independent assoartment and 3 by mutations in s phase .Meiosis produces variation in gametes by crossing over & independent assortment also called reshuffling of genetic material . Such gametes after fertilization produce offspring with different characters .

How does meiosis contribute to genetic variation?

By recombining the genetic material in two ways with a third way furthering variation. 1. The independent orientation of the chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. 2. Crossing over between chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis. 3. Random fertilization of gametes.

Which is responsible for most genotypic and phenotypic variation among humans 1 meiosis 2 budding 3 mitosis or 4 regeneration?

Budding , mitosis and regeneration have no link with genetic variation.All variations in human being and other organisms are produced by MEIOSIS. During meiosis following important processes take place which include 1; crossing over in Prophase I ; Independent assortment of chromosomes and genes during Metaphase I , both of them result in reshufling of genes which is base of variation. Another source of variation is MUTATION.

What is the ultimate source of genetic variation and the basis for the diversity of life on earth?

Mutations. These have quite a few different causes. Sexual reproduction is a "more recent source" {beginning 600 million years ago} of genetic variability. The process of sharing genetic information, coupled with the random crossing and mixing of genetic information during the creation of a new organism, leads to another source of genetic variability.

How does meiosis produce genetic variability?

There are three sources of genetic variation in meiosis: 1) Independent assortment = like shuffling a deck of cards and dealing out half the deck 2) Crossing over = homologous chromosomes swap parts, making new combinations 3) Random fertilization = only one sperm cell makes it into the egg

Related questions

How does meiosis introduce genetic variation into offspring?

1 by crossing over in prophase I , 2 by independent assoartment and 3 by mutations in s phase .1 by crossing over in prophase I , 2 by independent assoartment and 3 by mutations in s phase .Meiosis produces variation in gametes by crossing over & independent assortment also called reshuffling of genetic material . Such gametes after fertilization produce offspring with different characters .

How does meiosis contribute to genetic variation?

By recombining the genetic material in two ways with a third way furthering variation. 1. The independent orientation of the chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. 2. Crossing over between chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis. 3. Random fertilization of gametes.

Which is responsible for most genotypic and phenotypic variation among humans 1 meiosis 2 budding 3 mitosis or 4 regeneration?

Budding , mitosis and regeneration have no link with genetic variation.All variations in human being and other organisms are produced by MEIOSIS. During meiosis following important processes take place which include 1; crossing over in Prophase I ; Independent assortment of chromosomes and genes during Metaphase I , both of them result in reshufling of genes which is base of variation. Another source of variation is MUTATION.

If a certain species has little genetic variation what could lead to its rapid extinction?

Genetic bottleneck causes very little genetic variation and can cause genetic drift.

What is the ultimate source of genetic variation and the basis for the diversity of life on earth?

Mutations. These have quite a few different causes. Sexual reproduction is a "more recent source" {beginning 600 million years ago} of genetic variability. The process of sharing genetic information, coupled with the random crossing and mixing of genetic information during the creation of a new organism, leads to another source of genetic variability.

How does meiosis produce genetic variability?

There are three sources of genetic variation in meiosis: 1) Independent assortment = like shuffling a deck of cards and dealing out half the deck 2) Crossing over = homologous chromosomes swap parts, making new combinations 3) Random fertilization = only one sperm cell makes it into the egg

What are the 3 sources of genetic variation?

Crossing over of sister chromatids in prophase 1 of meiosis, independent assortment along the metaphase plate in metaphase 1 of meiosis.Not sure what a third one is.-------------------------------------------------------------------There are more actually 4 causes that cause genetic variety even though mainstream high school biology only discusses the three main ones: Crossing over, independent assortment (which happen during sexual reproduction), and, random genetic mutations.The 4th one is gene transfer. Species transfer genes between them.

What are 3 ways sexual reproduction leads to genetic diversity?

As an example, humans have 46 chromosomes, in 23 pairs. In each daughter cell of meiosis, one from each pair is given, resulting in a randomized selection from those 23 pairs. The most important way this variability is shown is that, during the chromosome duplication and division, parts of each chromosome are swapped over randomly, though only parts serving the same purpose are swapped. Finally, at the end of a single cell's meiosis, there's not two, but four daughter cells, allowing for more options per single cell undergoing meiosis.

What are three sources of genetic variability in living things?

1- reproduce 2- consume 3- die

3 Meiosis is from a Greek word meaning to diminish or lessen Why is this an appropriate term?

The process of meiosis results in gametes (sperm and eggs) which contain one half of the chromosomes (genetic material) of the parent cell. So it results in a reduction of the number of chromosomes. Another term for meiosis is "reduction division".

What where the 3 steps that lead to the formation to new species according to the theory of natural selection?

Generally and simply, mutation, genetic variation and natural selection.

What are the end results of mitosis and meiosis?

1) Mitosis occurs in body cells and produces two diploid (2n) daughter cells that are genetically identical for growth and repair. Meiosis occurs in the gonads and produces four haploid (n) daughter cells that are genetically unique for reproduction. 2) Meiosis requires two cycles to halve the chromosome number.. The first cell division of meiosis called meiosis I is similar to mitosis.. The second cell division halves the chromosome number from 2n to n.. This is required to produce gametes (cells with n number of chromosomes - sperm or ova) so that when the gametes join together during fertilization they produce a zygote that is 2n. 3) Crossing over during meiosis increases the genetic variation of the gametes and thus the next generation.. Crossing over occurs in prophase I of meiosis when homologous chromosomes pair up in tetrads and non-sister chromatids swap pieces of DNA.. This creates unique chromosomes.. Variation is also increased by the independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis (a gamete can receive the paternal chromosome or maternal chromosome for each chromosome) and random fertilization (any sperm can fertilize any egg).. (Sources: Yahoo!)