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Budding , mitosis and regeneration have no link with genetic variation.All variations in human being and other organisms are produced by MEIOSIS. During meiosis following important processes take place which include 1; crossing over in Prophase I ; Independent assortment of chromosomes and genes during Metaphase I , both of them result in reshufling of genes which is base of variation. Another source of variation is MUTATION.

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Q: Which is responsible for most genotypic and phenotypic variation among humans 1 meiosis 2 budding 3 mitosis or 4 regeneration?
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Genotypic variation is caused by mutation. Phenotypic variation can be caused by mutation, which gives rise to different alleles, or it can be caused by environmental factors.

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variation is the differences in genotypic traits between individuals in a populationnatural selection is any naturally occurring process resulting in differential success of reproduction of individuals depending on the genotypic traits they have expressed as phenotypic traits, the usual means by which this happens is the death of specific individuals prior to being able to reproduce but other events can alter the rate of success of reproduction without the individuals dying (e.g. they reproduce OK themselves but fail to bring those offspring to reproductive age successfully).

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Blending or mixing of the colors is a phenotypic variation that is possible with co-dominance. Seeing both colors present at the same time is also possible.

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Broad sense heritability A.K.A (H) is the degree in which phenotypic variation is due to genetic factors Narrow sense heritability A.K.A (h) is the degree in which phenotypic variation is due to additive genetic factors. in maths terms... H = Vg/Vt h = Va/Vt Vg= genetic varaition Vt = total variation Va = additive variation

What was Mendel contribution in science?

Gregor Mendel was the father of heredity. His experiments with pea plants established principles of dominance and recessiveness in phenotypic variation.

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The two types of variation are continuous variation and discontinuous variation. Continuous variation refers to characteristics that can vary along a spectrum, such as height or weight. Discontinuous variation refers to traits that have distinct categories, like blood type or eye color.

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DNA is responsible in most organisms, but RNA is responsible for heredity and variation of a lot of viruses.

Which is responsible for genetic variation mitosis or meiosis?

Meiosis is responsible for genetic variation