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Q: A fatty acid which has all possible hydrogen atoms bonding to each carbon atom would be?
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Related questions

Carbon bonding is almost entirely hydrogen?

No, carbon bonding is almost entirely covalent bonding between two carbon atoms.

What is carbon and hydrogen's bonding pattern?

One Carbon can form four single covalent bonds with Hydrogen atoms.

Why is hydrogen bonding only possible with hydrogen?

hydrogen's nucleus is electron deficient when it bonds with an electronegative atoms

Does methane include a hydrogen bond?

I assume you mean intermolecular hydrogen bonding. No, because carbon is insufficiently electronegative. In contrast, carbon tetrachloride exhibits some hydrogen bonding because of the electronegativity of the chlorine atoms.

What compounds have the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms on its carbon chain?

Alkanes have the most possible number of hydrogen atoms with respect to the carbon again.

Is an atom organic?

Organic substances contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Organic compounds are formed by bonding carbon and hydrogen atoms. There can be more elements too. An atom can never be organic.

What type of bonding joins hydrogen atoms?


What are two atoms does hydrogen bonding occur?

FON The atoms that hydrogen bonds to when hydrogen bonding occurs, due to electronegativity variance, are; Fluorine Oxygen Nitrogen

Lipid molecules that have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible are referred to as unsaturated?

No. Lipid molecules that are unsaturated have less hydrogen atoms because of carbon-carbon double bonds.

What kind of bonding holds methane together?

A covalent bond because carbon and hydrogen are sharing electrons

How are carbon atoms and how many hydrogen atoms are in C2H6?

there are two Carbon Atoms and six Hydrogen atoms

What of kind of bonds are found in water molecules?

hydrogen bonding between H2O and covalent bonding within the H2O molecule