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Q: A protein is 100 amiono acids long. What would be the minimum number of nucleotides on the functional mRNA to synthesize this protein would it be a. 33 b. 100 c. 300 d. 303 or e. 306?
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Can prokaryotes synthesize proteins?

Yes prokaryotes can synthesize proteins. Bacteria is an example of prokaryote that has 70 S ribosomes for protein synthesis. Prokaryotes do make structural and functional proteins,

Do all the nucleotides in human DNA belong to genes?

No - genes are the parts of DNA that code for a functional product (such as a protein). There are other parts of the DNA which are not genes.

What does the nitrogen synthesize in plants?

nitrogen helps synthesize protein.

Where protein is synthesize?

by the mitochondria

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MRNA is needed to synthesize what in the cytoplasm?


What is another name for three nucleotides in a row which encode for a protein?

A sequence of three nucleotides is a codon which codes for an amino acid that will be placed into a protein.

Describe the role of protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA ribosomes rough ER and golgi apparatus?

BBC plays a role in the protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA ribosomes. This is part of the body system.

Describe the role of protein synthesis DNA nucleotides ribosomes rough ER?

RNA is the main protein synthesis DNA nucleotides ribosomes. This is part of the body.

Describe the role of protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA ribosomes rough ER?

BBC is part of the role in protein synthesis DNA nucleotides RNA. This is part of the body.

Do mitochondria produce proteins?

Mitochondria have DNA and ribosomes.So they can synthesize protein.

What do ribosomes make?

Ribosomes synthesize protein.