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No, synthesis is the breaking of bonds that forms water, while dehydration synthesis is the breaking of bonds by removing water

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This is a dehydration synthesis.

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Q: A synthesis is the formation of bonds by removing water?
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What molecule is removed during the formation of new bonds within a polypeptide?

During the formation of new bonds within a polypeptide, a molecule of water (H2O) is removed. This process is known as dehydration synthesis or condensation reaction, in which a hydroxyl (OH) group is removed from one amino acid and a hydrogen (H) atom is removed from the adjacent amino acid, resulting in the formation of a peptide bond.

What is the name of the process that creates macromolecules by removing water?

dehydration synthesis

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aparently you have the same science paper... it does.

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The formation of peptide bonds releases water molecules.

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The formation of water can be classified as a combustion reaction because hydrogen is heated in oxygen, and it is considered a synthesis reaction because two elements - hydrogen and oxygen - combine to form 1 compound - water.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when polymer apart by water?

Dehydration synthesis, also called condensation, is the type of reaction that builds polymers by removing water.

What is the process that makes polymers?

Polysaccharides are formed by the condensation of individual monosaccharides - in the process glycosidic bonds are formed and one molecule of water is released per bond. This is a dehydration synthesis. Formation of proteins by the joining of individual amino acids via peptide bonds is also a dehydration synthesis with one molecule of water being produced per peptide bond.

What has the ability to bond water to itself?

The cause is the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules.Any hydrophilic molecule that dissolves in water make H-bonding with water molecules

What demonstrates a synthesis reaction?

The formation of water form hydrogen and oxygen: 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O The formation of sodium chloride from sodium and chlorine: 2Na + Cl2 --> 2NaCl

What is the cohesive properties of the water?

This property due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules is the cause of the water molecules sticking.

What is water when heated?

Water molecules are attracted to each other, resulting in the formation if weak chemical bonds, called hydrogen donds. When water is heated the heat energy disrupts the hydrogen bonds reulting in hydrogen bonds between water molecules to be broken.