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1mo ago
  1. All living organisms are composed of cells: Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living organisms.
  2. Cells are the basic unit of life: Cells carry out all the functions necessary for life to exist.
  3. All cells come from pre-existing cells: Cells divide to create new cells.

Observations by early scientists supporting the cell theory include Robert Hooke's observation of plant cells under a microscope and Anton van Leeuwenhoek's discovery of single-celled organisms like bacteria.

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Q: Analyze the three parts of the cell theory and describe two observations of early scientist that support it?
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What term is used to describe water with too little oxygen to support life?

Hypoxia is the term used to describe water with too little oxygen to support life.

How can a microscope help scientist use scientific methodology?

A microscope allows scientists to observe tiny structures and organisms that are not visible to the naked eye. This helps them gather more detailed and accurate data to support their hypotheses and conduct experiments, which are key components of the scientific methodology. By magnifying small objects, a microscope enables scientists to make precise observations and draw more informed conclusions in their research.

On a basis of similar body structures scientist hypothesize that two species are closely related. what other evidence would the scientist look for to support their hypothesis.?

Scientists would look for genetic evidence such as similarities in DNA sequences, shared ancestry through evolutionary relationships, and similarities in embryonic development. They may also consider similarities in behavior, habitat preference, and geographical distribution as further evidence to support their hypothesis of the two species being closely related.

What did Charles Darwin used the least to support natural selection?

Charles Darwin used data on artificial selection the least to support his theory of natural selection. While artificial selection played a role in shaping his understanding of how traits can change over generations, he focused primarily on observations of variation in nature and the role of competition and adaptation in driving the process of natural selection.

What are the six scientific advances since Darwins death that have provided support for the theory of evolution?

Discovery of DNA and genetic inheritance. Fossil record showing transitional forms. Study of comparative anatomy and embryology. Observations of natural selection in action. Evidence from biogeography and the distribution of species. Advances in molecular biology and phylogenetics.

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that research and observations support the theorythat research and observations support the theory is the correct answer

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my gess is analyze data or support a hypothesis probly support Ifk

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