

Are blue hazel eyes rare

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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No blue eyes are not rare in Canada. They are getting less common though. They are most common in older generations and areas that have high European ancestry. Such as rural areas, small towns. The Maritime provinces of P.E.I, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick are by far the most white populations descended from Irish, English, Scottish with few recent immigrants from Asia. While British Columbia and Ontario as well as major urban centres have large fast growing Asian populations who almost always have brown eyes.

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12y ago

I have heard from other sights only 0.2%-0.5% of the world has them I personally have them

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12y ago

Blue eyes are definitely a recessive gene. By human standards, they are rare, but that still means that hundreds of thousands of people could have similar eyes.

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i dunno but my eyes are hazel with freckles in them too :D

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he has blue eyes but in some light it seem like he have green eyes, so the answer to your question blue-green

Can a child get brown eyes if parents' eyes are hazel?

a child with parents eyes that are blue and grey are more likely to get blue eyes. But it is not impossible that a child with those parents cant get brown eyes. My parents have brown and blue eyes and i got grey. It isn't impossible but quite rare.

Can hazel eyes be blue and green?

Yes, blue and green are hazel eyes and brown and green also are.

What colors do they have?

Brown, blue, green, gray, amber, hazel and very rare indigo. Albinos have red eyes.

What was color of Eric Fleming's eyes?

Eric Fleming's eyes were Hazel.

How is it possible if a girl has blue eyes when her parents have hazel eyes and her sister has hazel eyes?

Its very possible. Either the grandparents or great grandparents had blue eyes. Someone in the family must have blue eyes.

Is blue eyes or hazel eyes better?

Both blue eyes and hazel eyes are more rare than the browns and even green and both are lovely. Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in the iris. Here are some makeup tips to help enhance your beautiful and rare eye color, lucky you!

Are green-hazel eyes recessive?

Brown Eyes are Dominant, Blue Eyes are recessive, Green Eyes are Dominant over Blue and Recessive to Brown Eyes, Same for Hazel. ACTUALLY!!!!...Green Eyes are more recessive than any eye color including Blue Only 2% of the Worlds Population have them! WRONG!!!!... Green Eyes ARE dominant over blue. It's just that the Green Eye trait is more rare.

What percent of women have blue eyes?

About 10 percent or less. Blue eyes is a recessive gene so that is why they are more rare then brown eyes. i have bright blue eyes my mom has blue green, my dad has hazel and my brother has brown eyes.