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Yep. As a matter of fact, I just learned about that yesterday!

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1mo ago

Yes, a cell can contain multiple mitochondria, depending on its energy needs. Mitochondria are important organelles that produce energy for the cell in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and cells can have varying numbers of mitochondria to meet their metabolic demands.

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No because the nucleus and the mitochondria are two different cell parts.

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Q: Can there be more than one of mitochondria in a cell at a time?
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Mitochondria existed on its own outside the cell?

This is a popular theory known as the endosymbiotic theory, which suggests that mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that were engulfed by an ancestral cell, leading to a symbiotic relationship. Over time, the mitochondria became an essential organelle within the cell responsible for energy production.

Which cell would be best for studying mitochondria?

A microscope with high magnification and resolution would be best for studying mitochondria, as they are small organelles that are essential for producing energy in cells. Additionally, a fluorescent microscope would be useful for visualizing the structure and function of mitochondria within the cell. Finally, live cell imaging techniques can provide real-time information on the dynamics of mitochondria in response to various stimuli.

What would happen if the cell didn't have a mitochondria?

Your cells would die. The mitochondria is the "power house" of the cell, it is what gives you energy. If a cell for some reason losses its mitochondria, itll be extremely weak and eventually dieAll cells rely on a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to provide energy for all cellular processes. The Mitochondria produce ATP through cellular respiration. Without the Mitochondria, sufficient ATP would not be produced. Without ATP, the cellular equipment in cells is insufficient to meet the conditions necessary to be considered alive. In short, the cell would die.Since the mitochondria are an essential organelle in a cell, removing them would not be good at all. Mitochondria serve as the cell's power plant, and without them the cell would have no way to get its energy, and it would probably shut down.The cell would quickly die out and so would the mitochondria. The mitochondria were probably free living aerobic bacteria and cells were anaerobic. At some point in time, the mitochondria were incorporated into the cell and both are endosymbiotic to each other, meaning the have a dependance on each other and cannot live without each other. The cell would die because a majority of previously available ATP would not be there anymore and the mitochondria would die because they no longer have a source of oxygen or would die because it would not be able to produce power.sine it is the power will die because it looses its energy and without energy the organelles inside of the cell won't be able to do its job or work.If all mitochondria in an animal were to disappear the animal would cease to exist. They are responsible for the cell cycle. Without them cell division would cease to happen.

What role does mitochondria play?

control release of energy from foods: from ATP

Can mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce within the cell?

Mitochondria produce lots of energy, infact they are known as the power houses of the the cell, however chloroplasts capture the duns energy and turn it into food, chloroplasts also split water and release oxygen

Related questions

Why would a muscle cell have more mitochondria than an egg cell?

Muscle cells need more mitochondria because muscle cells are much more active than egg cells. We use our muscles every day and all the time, so it would make sense that they would need more energy.

Why do nerve and mucle cells contain more mitochondria than other cells?

Because nerves performe much more activity than skin cells. Where skin cells are dividing. nerves send electric impulses throught the body all the time. The impulses involve use of ATP which is produced in mitochondria.

When is energy stored in a cell?

All the time by mitochondria and other parts of the cell. Mitochondria are like the power houses of a cell

Why do muscles need more mitochondria than other types of body cells?

Mitochondria supply the cell with ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), which is the energy the cell needs. A heart cell is a type of muscle cell which needs plenty of energy to contract and keep functioning. This is why a heart cell needs more mitochondria than other cells- because they need more energy.

What cell process occurs in the mitochondia?

Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration, also called oxidative phosphorylation. This process is responsible for the production of ATP molecules - the energy currency of the cell. Therefore, the mitochondria are called the powerhouse of the cell.They carry out cellular respiration.They are called the power house of cell.

Will the cell die if the mitochondria of the cell dies?

If the mitochondria of a cell dies, the cell may not necessarily die immediately. However, over time, the cell's ability to produce energy will be greatly reduced, leading to cellular malfunction and possibly cell death. The cell may also activate alternative energy production pathways to survive, but its overall function will be compromised without functioning mitochondria.

When do the mitochondria replicate in the cell cycle?

Mitochondria replicate during the S phase of the cell cycle, which is part of interphase. This is when DNA is replicated in preparation for cell division. Mitochondria have their own DNA and replicate independently of the cell cycle.

Mitochondria existed on its own outside the cell?

This is a popular theory known as the endosymbiotic theory, which suggests that mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that were engulfed by an ancestral cell, leading to a symbiotic relationship. Over time, the mitochondria became an essential organelle within the cell responsible for energy production.

How is mitochondra formed?

Mitochondria are thought to have originated from bacteria that were engulfed by primitive eukaryotic cells in a symbiotic relationship. Over time, these bacteria evolved into organelles within the host cell, becoming mitochondria. This evolutionary event is known as endosymbiosis.

What is the process whereby the mitochondria and chloroplasts of protists arise?

The process whereby mitochondria and chloroplasts in protists arise is through endosymbiosis, where an ancestral eukaryotic cell engulfed a prokaryotic cell (which evolved into a mitochondria or chloroplast) forming a symbiotic relationship. Over time, these organelles integrated into the host cell and developed a mutually beneficial relationship, providing energy and photosynthetic capabilities to the host cell.

Why do animal cells not have chloraplast?

Chloroplasts (as well as Mitochondria) are endosymbionts. This means that they are cells, living within another cell. Historically, eukaryotic cells had no mitochondria or chloroplasts (and mitochondria and chloroplasts existed by themselves outside of cells). The current hypothesis is that a cell tried to engulf a mitochondria (by phagocytosis) but failed in digesting it. Over time, some of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) became part of the host cell's genome. This cell is a common ancestor to both plants and animals, which is why both have mitochondria. A cell with mitochondria then did the same thing with chloroplasts, absorbing one, and taking some of its ctDNA etc. Because not all cells that had mitochondria absorbed chloroplasts there were cells with mitochondria only, and cells with mitochondria and chloroplasts. The ones with chloroplasts evolved to become plant cells, and those without evolved to become animal cells.

What would happen to an organism if the mitochondria of its cell were to suddenly become half as efficient?

It will not get enough energy. It will malfunction with time