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There are four stages: ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination.

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Q: How are the two stages of digestion related?
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What are the four stages of processing food that occur in the human body?

ingestion, absorption, digestion and elimination

What are the two stages of digestive?

ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination (haha that's 4 not 2, but hope it answers your question)

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What does the spleen do during digestion?

The spleen is not really related to digestion, so it pretty much just sits there and performs its normal spleenic non-digestion-related functions.

What are the four digested stages?

The 4 stages of digestion areIngestion (eating and consuming food)Digestion (Digesting our meals)Absorption (absorbing the nutrients we need form the food)Elimination (getting rid of the waste that our body doesn't need)

Four stages of food processing?

There are four main stages of food processing. These include ingestion and propulsion, digestion, absorption of nutrients, as well as egestion.

How many forms of digestion are there?

There are two forms of digestion: mechanical and chemical digestion.

What are two parts of digestion?

mechanical and chemical digestion

What type of digestion action does the small intestine have?

The small intestine is a water recovery system. Earlier stages of digestion use a lot of water, and then the water is reabsorbed in the small intestine.

How are digestion and cellular respiration related?

In heterotrophs digestion provide glucose molecules.These molecules are oxidized in respiration