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The oxygen molecules just get transferred to a different substance. The molecules are all still there, just in a different form. Its called the The Law on the Conservation of Matter -- matter cannot be either created or destroyed. Humans take in O2 and produce CO2, whereas plants take in CO2 and produce O2. This is why in areas where forests have been logged, there is an increase in the amount of CO2, a Greenhouse gas. There isn't necessarily less oxygen, as 20% of the atmosphere is oxygen. In conclusion; nature always balances. Its a natural equilibrium.

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14y ago
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12y ago

They do not.

In the last 30 years the conzentration auf carbon dioxide is rising and rising.

how bad for mankind....

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15y ago

plants provide oxygen replenishing the supply

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Q: How do oxygen and carbon dioxide amounts remain constant in the air?
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