

How does DNA become protein?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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By how in the nucleus, enzymes copy a gene to a molecule of RNA and then, RNA leaves the nucleus and binds to a ribosome, where the cell uses the sequence of nucleotides in RNA to create a particular sequence of amino acids-a protein.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Genes are the ultimate source of proteins. The information in a gene is first transcribed into mRNA, which then leaves the nucleus of the cell (if it is a eukaryotic cell) to be transcribed by ribosomes and tRNA into polypeptide chains. These chains then fold into specific three dimensional shapes. These shapes then bind with other peptide chains, with the help of chaperon molecules. Ultimately making a protein. So as you see proteins are dependent on genes to even exist.

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7y ago

One gene (DNA in chromosome) is transcribed (a "stop codon" at the end of the gene says when to stop transcription of the gene) to a messenger RNA (mRNA), which then passes from the nucleus into the cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome. Amino acids are picked up by transfer RNAs (tRNA), there are different transfer RNAs for different amino acids, each matching one 3 nucleotide codon. The transfer RNA that matches the current codon of the messenger RNA in the active site of the ribosome attaches briefly to the messenger RNA which triggers the ribosome to splice the amino acid from that transfer RNA onto the protein it is building, eject the now empty transfer RNA, and step onto the next codon of the messenger RNA. When the end of the messenger RNA is reached the ribosome ejects both it and the now complete protein.

Typically one messenger RNA has many ribosomes attached to it at different places along its length, each making the protein. As ribosomes complete making a protein they attach to another (maybe the same) messenger RNA. Eventually the messenger RNA is degraded by enzymes and can not be used to make protein anymore.

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12y ago

because theirs only one type of thethyies and whenthat heats up it forms to protein jenetics

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11y ago

DNA to RNA is called transcription, and RNA to protein is called translation.

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