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i think you need to do your bio 205 test without asking people on the internet

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Q: Is Reverse transcriptase is used to make cDNA from an RNA template?
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What does reverse transcriptase use from DNA?

Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

Retroviruses such as HIV contains what enzyme that enables DNA to be synthesized from rna?

by using reverse transcriptase to help produce double stranded DNA from viral RNA

Most RNA viruses carry which enzymes?

reverse transcriptase. With this enzyme, the RNA viruses can make DNA using their RNA as a template.

What happens when RNA is extracted from a virus is injected into a host cell?

Without the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase probable nothing. RNA viruses are retroviruses because they nee reverse tanscriptase to make a DNA copy from the RNA that is inserted into the cell. Generally to form a provirus. Now if you injected DNA from a regular virus then it would be as if the virus did it itself.

How is a human gene recombined into a bacterial plasmid?

One of the most common ways these days is from cDNA. RNA is extracted from human cells, purified, and then treated with an enzyme called reverse transcriptase which is able to make DNA from RNA templates (this DNA made from RNA is called cDNA). The advantage of using cDNA is that in the genome human genes are typically distributed across multiple exons spread over tens or even hundreds of thousands of basepairs of DNA. Such a massive segment of DNA is extremely hard to manipulate and far too large to insert into a plasmid. However, in cDNA, all the introns have been spliced out (because cDNA is made from mature mRNA). To isolate a particular gene from cDNA, PCR is often used to selectively amplify one gene's cDNA using specific primers. To insert the amplified cDNA into a plasmid, the traditional approach was to use restriction enzymes - enzymes that cut precise DNA sequences. The great thing about many restriction enzymes is that they cut DNA but leave behind "sticky ends". Thus if you cut both your cDNA and a plasmid with a particular restriction enzyme, the resulting sticky ends will allow the human cDNA to be taken up by the plasmid (the sticky ends will mesh). The sticky ends will have to be sealed by an enzyme called DNA ligase. However, there are other ways these days - often involving recombination to insert the PCR product directly into a plasmid without resorting to restriction enzymes and ligations.

Related questions

What is thepurpose of using reverse transcriptase?

To make DNA from mRNA

What does reverse transcriptase use from DNA?

Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

How do retrovirsus produce DNA from and rna blueprint?

Simply by taking the loose nucleotides of DNA in the cell's cytosol and using the enzyme reverse transcriptase to make a DNA from the RNA template. Retroviruses are carrying their own reverse transcriptase to do this very thing.

What is the role of reverse transcriptase?

Reverse transcriptase is the viral enzyme responsible for making a DNA copy of the RNA genome from a retrovirus. As such, it is technically known as an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. This is opposite to the usual flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. This allows a virus with an RNA genome to make copies of itself that can be integrated into the DNA of its host.

Retroviruses such as HIV contains what enzyme that enables DNA to be synthesized from rna?

by using reverse transcriptase to help produce double stranded DNA from viral RNA

What is Replication of an RNA virus?

You might be referring to the reverse-transcription that many retroviruses use (a virus with an RNA that turns into DNA). By using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, viruses like HIV can make a DNA from RNA template.

A key enzyme utilized by an RNA virus is what?

Some retroviruses may utilize a special enzyme known as reverse transcriptase, which a RNA virus can use to make DNA using the RNA as a template.

Most RNA viruses carry which enzymes?

reverse transcriptase. With this enzyme, the RNA viruses can make DNA using their RNA as a template.

What happens when RNA is extracted from a virus is injected into a host cell?

Without the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase probable nothing. RNA viruses are retroviruses because they nee reverse tanscriptase to make a DNA copy from the RNA that is inserted into the cell. Generally to form a provirus. Now if you injected DNA from a regular virus then it would be as if the virus did it itself.

Is it true or false that hiv uses reverse transcriptase to make ds RNA copies of its DNA genome?


What enzyme attaches new DNA nucleotides to make the new strand of DNA?

DNA polymerase

Why was using reverse transcriptase necessary for finding a way to make artifcial insulin?

Scientists had to convert information from amino acids to nucleic acids.