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No. Messenger RNA forms a complementary strand in which each DNA base is paired with its complementary base in mRNA. For example, if the DNA sequence is AGCTTG, the mRNA sequence will be UCGAAC. Notice that U for uracil in RNA pairs with adenine in DNA. This is because uracil takes the place of thymine in RNA.

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DNA uses the four bases Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine. (Adenine goes with Thymine, Guanine goes with Cytosine). mRNA uses the four bases Adenine, Uracil, Guanine, and Cytosine. (Adenine goes with Uracil, Guanine goes with Cytosine). So when converting from DNA to mRNA,




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that's not even real

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Q: Is rna transcript identical to the template strand of DNA?
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What strand of DNA of would be produced from the template strand of DNA?

AAC CT would produce TTG GA The coding strand is the DNA strand that has the same base sequence as the RNA transcript. It contains codons, and the non-coding strand has anti-codons instead.

The direction of synthesis of an RNA transcript is?

transcription:"the first step in protein synthesis, a sequence of nucleotide bases becomes exposed in an unwound region of a DNA strand. That sequence acts as a template upon which a single strand of RNA - a transcript - is synthesized from free nucleotides."The synthesis of an RNA molecule from the DNA template strand is called transcription.

What is the strand?

The template strand, if reffering to DNA, is the strand of the DNA that is copied to make more DNA.

What is the complementary DNA strand template strand of atgccatgg?

The complementary DNA strand template of ATGCCATGG is the basic design structure. It determines how the DNA strand will be constructed and the process in which it is formed.

Name of the DNA strand which is copied to make mRNA?

This is typically called the template DNA, which is the anti-sense strand of DNA. The strand that is not transcribed is called the sense strand.

What is the process of making mRNA from a template strand of DNA is known as?

Transcription--making an RNA template from the DNA strand copy site

What is the term for the DNA strand that acts as a pattern to the newly synthesized DNA?

template strand

What strand of DNA is used to make a complementary copy or to make a complementary mRNA molecule-?

The strand is called the parental strand. the gene being copied would depend on which protein is needed.

What does semi-conservative mean regard to DNA replication?

replicated DNA is made of one old strand and one new strand.

What acts as the origianl template in DNA replication?

A strand of DNA