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Water molecules can dissolve ionic compounds and form hydrogen bonds because of their high polarity and lone-pair electrons on the oxygen atom.

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Q: What allows water molecules to dissociate ionic bonds and or to form hydrogen bonds?
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What does breaking hydrogen bonds do?

Breaking hydrogen bonds allows the water molecules to escape from the liquid by vaporization, either by boiling or by evaporation.

What types of bonds allow different water molecules to be attracted to one another and allows capillary action to occur?

These are hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

How do bonds form between water molecules?

The bond between water molecules is known as a hydrogen bond.

What determines the cohesiveness of water molecules?

Hydrogen bonds

What type of bonds hold separate water molecules together?

Hydrogen bonds hold water molecules to each other. They're the strongest of the Van der Waal's forces.

What distinguishes hydrogen bonds from covalent bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are betweem molecules and are weak forces.

How do water molecules form bonds?

hydrogen bonds

Can water form hydrogen bonds form with itself?

Intermolecular bonds of water molecules are hydrogen bonds.

Which force help water molecules stick together?

hydrogen bonds

What is the importance of hydrogen bonds?

allows water molecules to stick together creating cohesion

What is the most significant force that attracts water molecules to each other?

Hydrogen bonding.

What molecule form hydrogen bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are formed within molecules. In chemistry, they are the strongest of the 3 types of bonds (London Dispersion, Dipole-Dipole, and Hydrogen Bonding). Molecules that have hydrogen bonds have to have bonds between hydrogen and nitrogen or hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and fluorine (N-H, O-H, or F-H).