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Q: What amino would the DNA letters taa code for?
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How many DNA letters code for one amino acids What is this sequence of letters called?

3 base pairs (3 letters) code for 1 aminoacid and this 3 base pair sequence is called a codon.

What part of DNA forms code?

The sections of DNA called codons code for amino acids.

How many amino can a sequence of 24 DNA base code for?

20 Amino Acids

What do you call a 3 letter word on a mRNA molecule?

The three-base sequence on a tRNA molecule is known as an anti-codon. This matches up with the codon (another 3-base code) on the mRNA to ensure that the correct amino acid is added to the chain (protein) being created.

What letters are in the DNA code?


Do DNA have codons?

Yes, DNA has codons. Codons are three nucleotides of DNA which code for a single amino acid.

How many bases would DNA molecule have to molecule to code an enzymes of 150 amino acids?

To code for a protein of 150 amino acids, the DNA molecule would need approximately 450 base pairs. This is because each amino acid is encoded by a sequence of three nucleotides called a codon. So, 150 amino acids would require 150 codons, which translates to 450 base pairs.

How many amino acids can a sequence of 24 DNA bases bases code for?


How does DNA contain instructions for traits?

The DNA code consists of specific sequences of DNA nucleotides that code for specific amino acids. A sequence of three nucleotides are called a codon, and code for one specific amino acid. The sequence of amino acids determines the structure and function of the proteins, which determine the cells' activities and hereditary traits.

What do bases in DNA code for?

Amino acids, which can then be built up to form proteins.

How many amino acids can sequence of 24 DNA base code for?


How many amino acids can a sequence of DNA bases code for?