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The sequence of amino acids being added to the growing polypeptide chain is controlled by the instructions (codons, 3-base codes) on the mRNA. These are a copy of the coding regions of the gene from the DNA in the nucleus.

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Q: What dictates the corresponding sequence of amino acids in a growing polypeptide chain?
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What happens to the growing of polypeptide?

It will either continue growing, or develop into a functional protein.

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What regions of a ribosome holds the growing polypeptide?

The P site

When does the polypeptide stop growing?

It reaches a stop codon on the mRNA molecule

Amino acids are transferred to the ribosome to be incorporated into a growing polypeptide chain by?


What is used during RNA translation.?

mRNA- a transcript of DNA which serves as instuctions for polypeptide formation. amino acid- a single buildin block of protein. tRNA- a molecule that carries a specific amino acid and recognizes its complementary base sequence on an mRNA strand. ribosome- an organelle which serves as the "factory" where amino acids are addes to a growing polypeptide chain.

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What is the purpose of a transfer RNA?

To carry the next amino acid to be added to a growing polypeptide chain during translation process that takes place in the ribosomes.

What types of bonds are the ones that attach amino acids to each other in a growing polypeptide?

They are amide bonds -covalent. When an amino acid reacts with another, the carboxylic acid reacts with the amine forming an amide.

Cluster of three nucleotides?

A cluster of three nucleotides is called a 'codon' - However, the term is only really used to refer to refer to a 3 nucleotide sequence on an mRNA molecule. Codons provide a means by which charged tRNA molecules can specifically add amino acids to a growing polypeptide chain. tRNA molecules have the complementary 3 nucleotide sequence (anticodon) that allow the specific recognition.

What is a anticodons?

A sequence of three nucleic acid bases on transfer RNA molecules which recognizes and binds to three corresponding bases (called a codon) of messenger RNA. During protein synthesis this interaction ensures that the amino acid encoded by the codon is added to the growing protein.