

What do lysosomes look like?

Updated: 6/8/2024
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Try Google images. There is a green and yellow one. Its so informative with labels and everything!!

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1mo ago

Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles that are small and spherical in shape. They contain digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down cellular waste materials, pathogens, and worn-out organelles. Under an electron microscope, lysosomes appear as dense bodies with a single membrane surrounding their contents.

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12y ago

like your face!

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Lysosomes break down proteins and macromolecules... They are like the cells recycling cemter

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One part of the human body that is like lysosomes is the stomach. The human intestines are also like lysosomes.

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Does a lysosome look like a vacuole?

Lysosomes and vacuoles are both membrane-bound organelles found in cells, but they have different functions. Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down cellular waste and foreign particles, while vacuoles typically store substances like water, nutrients, or pigments. In terms of structure, lysosomes are typically smaller and more irregularly shaped compared to the larger and more defined vacuoles.

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Lysosomes, they are the disposal system of the cell.

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Lysosomes are involved in the breakdown of cell unwanted cell organs and bacteria It's like a "clean up crew"

Are lysosomes prokaryotic?

No, lysosomes are not prokaryotic. Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells, which are more complex cells that have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, do not have membrane-bound organelles like lysosomes.

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it's not the mitochondria, it's lysosomes. mitochondria is composed of proteins and enzymes.