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Gel electrophoresis can be used to compare the genes of different genomes or different individuals. It can be used to locate and identify one particular gene in an individual's genome.

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13y ago

Measure the weight of certain sections of DNA, cut by restriction enzymes. Knowing the weight of nucleotides then allows them to calculate how many nucleotides/base pairs are present in the sample analysed.

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13y ago

DNA sequences can provide a great deal of information to scientists. For example, some genes that cause hundreds of deaths around the globe like sickle cell anemia are defected by one tiny mutation in the sequence. A single base-pair is the only difference between a healthy blood cell gene and an anemic gene, and identifying the DNA sequence means that scientists can recognize which individuals are more at risk of producing offspring who have this disease. On the same topic, couples can get tested to see if their DNA may lead to children who suffer from this condition or others that are DNA based.

This is just one instance of how DNA sequencing can be utilized in today's world.

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Q: What does analyzing DNA by gel electrophoresis allow researchers t do?
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In regards to analyzing DNA with gel electrophoresis Are DNA fragments separated by size?

Yes, electrophoresis involves seperation depending upon size by applying charge to the DNA sample loaded which then travels form negative to positive eletrode as DNA being negatively charged. Thus the small sized molecules will travel faster as compared to larger molecules.

What are 3 charcteristics that allow gel electrophoresis to work?

The following allow gel electrophoresis to workDifferent sized DNA fragmentsThe migration of DNA under the influence of an electric field in the gel toward the positive electrodeThe different speeds of migration of the DNA fragments - larger fragments moving slower than smaller fragments

What is the role of EtBr in electrophoresis?

Ethidium bromide interchalates with DNA. It doesn't affect electrophoresis, but it help visualise the DNA bands after electrophoresis. The EtBr that is bound to the DNA will fluoresce under ultraviolet light.

Why does extracted DNA need to be fragmented?

In preparation for the electrophoresis step in "DNA fingerprinting" the electrophoresis process cannot separate meaningfully massive molecules like whole chromosomes. By using restriction enzymes that break the chromosomes at known places DNA fragments of a wide variety of lengths that the electrophoresis process can separate meaningfully will allow a pattern to be generated that can identify different individuals.

Properties of DNA fragments which allow them to be separated from each other during gel electrophoresis?

They are negatively charged and are of different sizes

When is DNA cut during electrophoresis?

Electrophoresis technique is not designed to cut DNA molecule. When DNA is analyzed by electrophoresis to determine its molecular mass, the molecular biology engineer usualy digests the DNA molecule, before the electrophoresis, with specific enzymes called "restriction enzymes" in order to obtain fragments of diverse molecular weights that can be seen as bands in electrophoresis gels.

What is used to sort DNA into different lenghts?

Gel Electrophoresis

What are the common stains that is used after DNA electrophoresis?

Ethidium bromide and coomassie blue are some stains that can be used in DNA electrophoresis.

What is a technique for sorting DNA fragments by length?

it is called " electrophoresis"

How are DNA fragments separated on DNA fingerprinting?

Gel electrophoresis

How is DNA tested?


What is the conclusion on the application of gel electrophoresis?

One of the Conclusion of electrophoresis is Visualization of the DNA size. Second is Sequencing the length of DNA of the body.