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Q: What is a 14 letter word that describes how nutrients enter the blood?
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Where does food enter the blood vessesles?

usually nutrients enter the blood vessels through the small intestines

Where is the place that nutrients enter the blood?

At cappillary bed

What type of blood cell does nutrients exit and waste enter?


What organs prepares food to be transported to the blood?

Most nutrients enter the blood through the small intestines.

In what organ of the digestive system do nutrients enter the blood?

I think that would be the small intestines :)

How does nutrients enter your blood stream?

through cells in the villi of the small intestine

Were does blood go to get nutrients?

the nutrients enter the blood in the small intestine. The lining of the small intestine is called the villi, that is were the blood is absorbed into the bloodstream

Where does glucose and calcium enter the blood?

All nutrients we have taken are absorbed into the blood in the small intestine. The excess are stored in the liver from where if required is again absorbed into the blood.

2 Nutrients exit and wastes enter which type of blood vessel?

poo and wee wee

This system is responsible for breaking down food so that nutrients may enter the blood stream?


Place where nutrients enter the blood in the circulatory system?

Nutrients from food and beverage is absorbed inside the walls of the small intestine. As we digest our food, all nutrients are taken in the small intestine and would most probably then enter our bloodstream from there on.

How does the circulatory system circulate nutrients?

Most nutrients are just dissolved in the plasma of the blood. They are transported to the cells when the heart pumps the blood through arteries, arterioles and capillaries. Nutrients diffuse through the walls of capillaries and enter cells.