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Allele is word used by Mendel for counter parts of an elementon later called factor and renamed as gene e.g. T and t are alleles for a gene that controls height in pea plant .Nasty allele is not biological term .

Note word elementon is technical term used by Mendel , it is not element used in Chemistry .

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Q: What is an allele and what is a nasty allele?
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It should be a dominant allele--a dominant allele's trait will be expressed over the recessive allele's trait.

What is a dominent allele?

A dominant allele is an allele that can take over a recessive allele, so if you have a dominant allele and a recessive allele, then the offspring will most likely have a dominant allele over a recessive allele. The dominant allele is expressed over the recessive allele.

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A dominant allele

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The inactive allele is invisible in an organism while an expressed allele is the dominant allele and therefor is the phenotype.

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The recessive allele.

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Dominant allele as opposed to recessive allele.

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The dominant allele.

Does a recessive allele need another recessive allele to be expressed?

I think if an allele "want" to be expressed, then it has to have a dominant allele. They don't need another recessive allele.