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The difference between amine and peptide hormones are:

  • Amine hormones are from amino acids. Peptide Hormones are peptide bonds between multiple amino acids.
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Steroid hormones are lipids. Peptide hormones are proteins.

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Q: What is the difference between amine and peptide hormones?
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What gland is a modified sympathetic ganglion that produces amine hormones?

the adrenal medulla

What name is used to describe the H-N-H groups?

an amine group

How are amino acids joined?

Every amino acid has 5 main parts to it, a carbon in the middle bonded to a Hydrogen, a variable group, a carboxyl group and an amine group. The important 2 for bonding are the carboxyl group which has a carbon double bonded to an Oxygen and a single bond to a hydroxyl group. The amine group is a nitrogen group bonded to 2 hydrogen. In order to bond, the amine group of one amino acid has to align with the carboxyl group of another. Then, the hydroxyl group of the carboxyl will react with a hydrogen on the amino group to release a water in a process known as dehydration synthesis. As the water gets removed, the nitrogen from the amine group bonds to the carbon in the carboxyl, completing a peptide bond between our 2 amino acids. These peptide bonds can occur at either end of an amino acid, allowing us to make long chains of daunting length. Since amino acid sequences are often so long, the structure can easily be affected by other amino acids far away in the linear chain. On the small scale, this allows for amino acid chains that either form helices or pleated sheets. On a larger scale, the chains can make complex bonding patterns that fold back, twist, turn, and allow for the basis of all life!

What is a C terminal and N terminal in the protein?

Proteins are composed of amino acids, which are composed of a central Carbon atom surrounded by (bonded to) four groups; an amine, a carboxyl group, an R group (also known as a side chain), and a Hydrogen atom. When amino acids link together via peptide bonding to from polypeptides/proteins (A protein is a polypeptide), the amine group of one amino acid interacts with the carboxyl group of another. Therefore, you end up with an amine group on one end of the protein and a carboxyl group on the other. They call the end with the amine on it the "N terminus" because the chemical formula for amine is NH2 while the end with the carboxyl group on it is named the "C terminal" because the chemical formula of a carboxyl is CH2. The N terminus is the end that amino acids are added onto when mRNA is translated in protein synthesis. Therefore, we write that proteins are created N terminus to C terminus.

What are biological amines?

a type of amine synthesized by plants and animals and frequently involved in signaling, e.g., neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, catecholamines, and serotonin; others are hormones or components of vitamins, phospholipids, bacteria, or ribosomes, e.g., cadaverine, choline, histamine, and spermine...

Related questions

Are peptide hormones water soluble?

Both. Some amines such as epinephrine are water soluble while thyroxine is a fat soluble amine

What is a peptid bond?

A peptide bond is a covalent bond formed between two amino acids in a protein. It links the carboxylic group of one amino acid to the amine group of the other.

What chemical bond is when the amine group binds to the acid group of amino acids?

That bond is called as peptide bond.

Peptide bonds form when the amine group of one amino acid combines with the organic acid group of another amino acid?

A peptide bond. Although some amino acids can form other bonds depending on their R groups (cysteine can form a disulfide bond with another cysteine... forming a cystine).

What gland is a modified sympathetic ganglion that produces amine hormones?

the adrenal medulla

What is the difference between ammine and amine?

An amine is a functional group while an ammine complexes are metal complexes containing at least one ammonia (NH3) ligand. "Ammine" is spelled this way due to historical reasons

Which hormones are secreted by your posterior pituitary gland?

Antidiauretic hormone and Oxytocin are the two hormones released by posterior Pituitary gland. A.D.H. conserve the body water by reducing amount of urine. Oxytocin increases the milk secretion and to induce delivery you put a drip of Oxytocin. It promotes uterine contractions and relaxes the cervix to hasten delivery.

What is the difference between fexofenadine hcl and fexofenadine?

Fexofenadine is an amphoteric which have basicity and acidity action (tertiary amine (aromatic amine) is a weak base while carboxylic acid is weak acid) Fexofenadine HCl is designed to be water soluble

What organic group are hormones classified in?

Some hormones (such as steroids) are classified under lipids which actually belong to Esters group. Other hormones are proteins which belong to amine group (they are made up of amino acids).

What is the distinguishing test between primay secondary and tertiary amine?


What is the attractive force that keeps one amino acid attached to another amino acid?

Amino acids are attached to each other via covalent bonds between the organic acid and amine groups. This covalent bond is often called a Peptide Bond.

What is the difference between Poly-amine paint and Poly-amide paint?

Poly-amines are more durable, poly-amides are more resistant to moisture.