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aminoacyl t-RNA synthetase

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Q: What is the enzyme that that charges the RNA molecules with appropriate amino acids?
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Related questions

What kind of organic is the enzyme?

enzymes are proteins, made up of amino acids, which are organic molecules

What breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids?

Lipase is the enzyme that targets lipid molecules.

What chemical family is lipase?

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks lipid molecules down into a glycerol molecule and fatty acids. It is a protein.

Give 2 explanations for the fact that only certain substrate molecules will fit into this part of the enzyme molecule?

A substrate molecule will only fit into the active site if it is a complimentary shape. Also the amino acids that make up an enzyme have positively and negatively charged chemical groups so in orderr for a substrate to fit its active site any electrical charges on the substrate molecule must not be repelled by like charges on the enzyme so the charged groups on the enzyme molecule and substrate molecule must attract one another

Do enzymes produce proteins?

Enzyme are not producing proteins but they catalyses the steps in proteins synthesis. Proteins are produced in ribosomes by amino acids and RNA molecules such as tRNA and mRNA. Enzyme such as peptidyl synthetase catalyse the prptide bond formation between amino acids.

Chitinase is an enzyme that breaks down the chitin molecules in an insect's exoskeleton The sequence of amino acids in the chitinase is an example of which level of protein structure?


Is Enzyme a monomer or polymer?

Enzymes are a type of protein, which are amino acid polymers.

What type of molecule is made from amino acids and acts as a biological catalyst?

Molecules that act as catalysts in biological systems are enzymes. Enzyme catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy.

What are the building blocks of the enzyme catalase?

The building blocks of catalse is amino acids because catalse is an enzyme which are protiens and protiens are made up of amino acids.

What monomer makes up enzyme?

amino acids make proteins and an enzyme is a protein so......

What molecules form protiens when linked together with covalent bonds?

Amino acids are the molecules. Dipeptide bonds is the specific name for the covalent bonds.

What enzyme digests lipids?

Lipids are digested by lipases.A lipase is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of a lipid (triglyceride) molecule into one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acid.