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on the amylase solution

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Q: Which enzyme is found in the saliva and which food type does it act on?
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Where is amylase found in plants?

Amylase is a type of carbohydrase enzyme. In humans it is produced in the pancreas.

Which food type do enzymes in saliva attack?

The enzyme in your saliva is Amylase, which is used to breakdown Amylose, a form of starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate, so the enzyme in your saliva breaks down complex carbohydrates.

What does the enzyme ptyalin help digest?

Ptyalin is a carbohydrate digesting enzyme which digests starch and glycogen into maltose.It is present in our saliva.

How does saliva alpha amylase work?

Amylase is an enzyme that induces hydrolysis of starches, breaking them down into sugar. Saliva alpha amylase is simply a type of amylase.

what enzyme found in saliva begins the chemical breakdown of starch in the mouth?

salivary amylase

At what pH would the enzyme be most effective?

It depends on what type of Enzyme. Enzymes have different optimum pH depending on the environment they work in, for example and enzyme in the stomach of a human would have a pH of about 2 but an enzyme in human saliva has an optimum pH of 5.6.

Saliva is primarily responsible for the digestion of what major food type?


What is the name of the enzymes present in the saliva and what type of food it acts on?

Salivary amylase. This enzyme helps to turn starch into a sugar called maltose...when your food gets into the small intestine, more amylase is made by the pancreas also.Another enzyme called maltase, turns all this maltose into glucose. Glucose is then absorbed into the blood.

What is the type of glands found in the mouth?

saliva is produced used by slivary

What type of food is not digested by mouth and stomach but digested by enzyme?


What type of food is digested in the salivary glands?

The only enzyme in the mouth is amylase. This brakes down starch, a carbohydrate, into glucose a sugar

Why a different enzyme is required for each type of food substance?

Since enzymes are specific to their functions.