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Amino acids

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Q: Which monomer units combine to form proteins?
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What is the monomer form of protein?

what is the monomer thst forms proteins

Small unit that can join together with other small units to form a polymer?

Monomers are joined together to form polymers, for example, proteins are a polymer, it's monomer is amino acids, and they are linked by peptide bonds to form a protein

What monomer makes up polysaccharide?

Monomers are the simple building blocks which combine to form more complex compounds. Monosaccharides are the foundation units to form a polysaccharide

What is another word for monomer?

There are no synonyms for a monomer, it can combine with other molecules to form a polymer, but even polymer is not synonymous...

What does a monomer need in its structure to undergo addition polymerisation?

The monomer must be able to form stable covalent chemical bonds between units in order to polymerize.

Amino acids are monomers used to build what?

A monomer is a small molecule that can easily bind to others. Amino acids are monomers, because they bond together to form proteins, which are polymers. Another example of a monomer is glucose, but it can bind to form polymers like cellulose.

Which polymers are composed of amino acids?

Peptides are constructed from amino acids. Proteins are constructed from peptide subunits.

Which two kinds of molecules combine to form a cell membraine?

phospholipids and proteins

The smaller unit molecules which combine to form proteins and polypeptides are called what?

The smaller unit molecules which combine to form proteins and polypeptides are called amino acids. The amino acids are joined to each other by peptide bonds.

The monomer units of DNA and RNA?

Nucleotides. A single nucleotide contains a phosphate group, deoxyribose or ribose (depending on the nucleic acid) and a nitrogen base, which can be adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil. These monomers combine to form polymers known as DNA or RNA.

Connects monomers to form a polymer?

Monomers combine together to form a polymer by the addition of water. The H20 molecule connects to the end of a monomer and is connected to the other monomer by the oxygen atom. This ability allows monomers to join together to form long chains. Hope that helped, good luck!

The smaller unit molecules which combine to form proteins and polypeptides are called?

amino acids