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d. simple diffusion

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Q: Which of these nephron transport processes does not show saturation at high solute values a. coupled cotransport b. facilitated diffusion c. active transport d. simple diffusion?
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What are the three transport processes that do not require cell energy?

Passive Transport,Facilitated Diffusion, and Simple Diffusion

What processes take material into cells?

The processes that take material into cells are osmosis and diffusion. This is usually facilitated by the selective permeable membrane of the cell.

What two processes transport materials through the semi-permable membrane?

Considering the cell membrane itself, processes include diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion (passive processes that do not require energy) and active transport (an active process that requires energy).

What involves two active transport processes coupled together?


How is faciliated transport similar to simple diffusion?

Facilitated and simple diffusion both transport solutes along a concentration gradient and neither processes require any ATP expenditure.

What three major processes of nutrient absorption must be combined with a carrier molecule for transport?

Facilitated diffusion and Active transport must be combined with a carrier molecule for transport. Simple diffusion does not.

In facilitated diffusion which process does not require energy?

Simple and facilitated diffusion are a part of passive transport. This refers to the movement of molecules, atoms and ions across the cell membrane. In both of these processes, molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration because equilibrium is trying to be maintained in living organisms. Simple diffusion just happens randomly and without any aides. Facilitated diffusion uses proteins in the cell membrane to guide polar molecules and ions in and out of the membrane (always to areas of lower concentration) and DOES NOT require ENERGY.Only active diffusion requires energy.

What process the cell must use to allow the protein to enter and why?

The process the cell must use to allow the protein to enter is rather simple and uncomplicated. The cell uses the process of osmosis and diffusion along a concentration gradient to allow for passage in and out of the cell.

What two processes transport materials through the semi permeable membrane?

There's more than two. There's diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. And water moves by osmosis

What are the similarities between diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Diffusion is the main method by wich small molecules move across the cell membrane. while many cellular processes depend on osmosis because cells cannot function properly without adequate water. Facilitated diffusion works through channels and Osmosis only works with water.

Diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Diffusion:Diffusion describes the spread of particles through random motion from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration. The time dependence of the statistical distribution in space is given by the diffusion equation. The concept of diffusion is tied to that of mass transfer driven by a concentration gradient, but diffusion can still occur when there is no concentration gradient (but there will be no net flux). diffusion is invoked in the social sciences to describe the spread of ideas.Facilitated diffusion:Facilitated diffusion (also known as facilitated transport or passive-mediated transport) is a process of passive transport, facilitated by integral proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane integral proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism

How is the cell membrane facilitated diffusion transported?

In Facilitated diffusion materials are transported across the plasma membrane without using up any energy. Plasma membranes is made up of phospholipid bilayers consisting of proteins which help in the transportation of larger materials.