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Animal cell are hypertonic to the water i.e. they have more solute concentration inside the cell when placed in pure water. Now by the law solvent(water here) move from low concentration of solute to high concentration of solute so water move inside the animal cell which make cell to swell up and when the swelling pressure increase then wall pressure the cell get burst

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Because in pure water the concentration of salts is zero. But in cells the concentration of salts is more than the concentration of salts in pure water. Hence when animal cell is placed in pure water the cell absorbs water by the phenomenon of osmosis and the cell cant bear that pressure as it donot have cell wall . Hence the cell finally bursts.

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Q: Why animal cells burst when they are placed in pure water?
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What would happen if you put liver cell in a hyptonic solution?

If an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, there will be a net movement of water into the cell and it will eventually burst. If an animal cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, there will be a net movement of water out of the cell and it will shrink.

If an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution water moves into the cell causing the cell to swell and possibly burst?

Which is called Plasmoptysis.

When a animal cell is in a hypotonic environment it will?

Animal cells do not have rigid cell walls. When they are exposed to hypertonic solutions, water rushes out of the cell causing it to shrink.

Do animal cell and plant cell get bigger in distilled water?

If animal cells are placed in distilled water they will absorb water by the process called osmosis. This will make the cell swell and, if it doen not stop, eventually burst. Plant cells placed in distilled water will also absorb water by osmosis but the cell wall prevents them from swelling. Water enters the cells by osmosis because the concentration of the solution inside the cells is higher than that of the 'solution' outside. Water always moves by osmosis from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution (when they are separated by a membrane which lets water through but not dissolved substances). For a good introduction to osmosis see:

What happens if a cell is placed in a pure water?

In this case the solution is hypotonic in relation to the cell. The cell swells up and ruptures as the water rushes in, and since the animal cell has no cell wall it cannot become turgid (stop letting in water), therefore the cell will rupture.

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Why don't potato cells swell and burst when placed in distilled water?

Potatos are plants and they have cell walls.

What happens to red blood cells when they are placed in distilled water?

because of osmosis it would get fatter and fatter with water till it burst. aww.

Why are animal cells more likely to burst than plant cells when placed in distillers water?

Unlike animal cells, plant cells are unable to control the compostiton of fluid around their cell. Plant cells are normally permanetly bathed in almost pure water, which is constantly absorbed from the plants roots. Water entering a plant cell by osmosis causes the protoplast to swell and press on the cell wall. Because the cell wall is capable of only very limited expansion, a pressure builds up on it that resists the entry of further water. However animal cells do not have this ability and let constant water in, causing it to burst.

Why will the cell not burst?

animal cells do no burst because the semi permiable membrane lets little water in so the cell does not become turgid.

What will happen to an animal cell if placed in a concentrated solution?

when an animal cell is placed in a concentrated or diloute solution, it soakes up the water but because animal cell do not have cell walls like plant cells they will eventually burst.

A red blood cell placed in distilled water will swell and burst due to the diffusion of what?

3. water from the blood cell into its environment

Why would red blood cells burst if you placed them in pure water?

because red blood cells are blood and if they can disolve there for they will burt cause the blood has acid in it.

Why are plant cells selected to demonstrate plasmolysis rather than animal cells?

Plant cells are selected to demonstrate plasmolysis rather than animal cells. This because thy have the ability to absorb water through endosmosis unlike animal cells which would burst.

What happens to red blood cells when they are placed in the solution that has higher water potential?

they absorb water through the permeable membrane and on ovr absorbing...they burst up

Why don't plant cells burst if a lot of water diffuse into them?

The plant's cell wall is tough enough to withstand the pressure that animal cells cannot

Why do red blood cells that do not contain spectrin burst more quicly when put in distilled water?

Water passively moves from an area of high water concentration (the dilute water) to low water conc. (in cell) (i.e. down the water potential). This causes the cell to swell up and its contents to dilute. It eventually stops swelling when the water potential reaches zero i.e. when the tonicity of the environment = the tonicity inside the cell. If its membrane can't cope with the swelling it may eventually burst.

What would happen if you put liver cell in a hyptonic solution?

If an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, there will be a net movement of water into the cell and it will eventually burst. If an animal cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, there will be a net movement of water out of the cell and it will shrink.