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In DNA replication, enzymes (DNA polymerases) work in the 3 prime to 5 prime end, creating the new strand in the 5 prime to 3 prime direction. This is due to their structure- they add bases to preexisting 3 prime anchors.

Of the five carbons on the deoxyribose, the 3 prime is joined to a hydroxyl and the 5 prime is joined to a phosphate group.

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Q: Why do enzymes work in opposite detections in replication?
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Where do digestive enzymes work?

igestive enzymes work i n the elementary canal.

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Enzymes work most effectively when they are at their optimal temperature and pH.

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Where does digestive enzymes work?

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Do enzymes work better on larger foods or smaller foods?

Enzymes do not necessarily work better on smaller or larger foods. Enzymes work better when food is broken up or chewed and the enzymes are allowed to circulate freely around the food.

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The temperature in which the enzymes are effects the effectiveness of enzymes. Enzymes work best at a temperature of 37 which is the body temperature.

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