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tall; Tt or TT

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Q: You are looking at four tall pea plants What are their phenotypes and genotypes?
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How many of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

Use a punnet square it may be a little tricky though.Just remember which letter is dominant and which one is recessive.heterozygous and Homozygous.

What are the four possible genotypes from a cross between Rrtt and rrTt?

RtrT, Rtrt,rtrT,rtrt

Are blue eyes phenotype or genotype?

The inhereted genetics are the genotypes. The phenotypes are the physical appearance. It's the phenotype. Remeber it by this: Pheno sounds like physical; physical appearance. Geno sounds like gene. That is what you have in your genes. But remember this: No matter what, if you have a dominant trait in all four squares in your punnent square you do, they will have that trait but still be carrying that recessive trait. If they don't have the dominant trait, they will only show the recessive trait. I don't know much about the incomplete dominance thing at all. Hope this helped! P.S. I'm only in 7th Grade!

Is one of the four kingdoms?

The four kingdoms are: plants, animals, protista (eukaryotes), and monera (prokaryotes).

How do you make a pun nett square to show how many offspring will be heterozygous?

First, draw a box, then divide it in four. Let's say we're testing for the genotypes of the offspring of parents with TT and Tt genotypes. Above the first box, write one allele of a parent, or in this case, T. Above the box to the right of it, write another T for the parents' other allele. Do the same down the left side of the four boxes with the other parent's genes. Now, this is a bit like finding coordinates. In the first box, write the allele of the gene above it, and to its left. That is one possible genotype of the offspring. Repeat this for all squares. In our case with the parents being TT and Tt, the four offspring in the Punnett squares will have only two possible genotypes; TT or Tt, like their parents. This will show you how many chances the offspring have of being heterozygous, homozygous dominant, or recessive.

Related questions

What is the phenotype of all four offspring's?

Generally, if the parents are heterozygous and one allele is dominant over the other there are only 2 phenotypes and 3 genotypes. Parents Aa can produce AA, Aa and aa offspring. If the heterozygous individuals have an intermediate phenotype, then three genotypes and 3 phenotypes are possible. If 2 traits are being studied using heterozygous parents AaBb then the possible Genotypes are AABB, AABb, AAbb, AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBb, aaBB, aabb which is nine genotypes. But there are 4 phenotypes. AABB AABb AaBB AaBb are phenotypically the same. aaBb, aaBB are phenotypically the same. Aabb, AAbb are phenotypically the same. aabb

What are multiple-allele traits?

Traits governed by multiple alleles are controlled by three or more alleles, rather than two. An example in humans is the ABO blood group system. There are three alleles in the ABO blood group system, IA, IB, IO. These three alleles can produce six genotypes, AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, OO. These genotypes can produce four different phenotypes, A (genotypes AA or AO), B (genotypes BB or BO), AB, (genotype AB) and O (genotype OO).

What is the blood type letters found in the blood?

In humans there are two blood antigens - A and B. The absence of either antigen is referred to as O. The four possible phenotypes (genotypes) are: AB (AB), A (AA or AO), B (BB or BO) and O (O).

Is one blood group more dominant than another?

Genotypes, Phenotypes, and frequencies in the ABO blood-typing systemGenotype Blood Type A Antigen present B Antigen Present Frequency exampleIAIA or IAi A + - 41IBIB or IBi B - + 11IAIB AB + + 4ii O - - 44Among the six possible genotypes, there are four distinguishable phenotypes- the A,B,AB and O blood types. In this system, the IA and IB alleles are codominan, since each is expressed equally in the IA IB heterozygotes, and the i allele is recessive to both the IA IBalleles.Principles of Gentics Snustad.Simmons

How many of the possible types of offspring had the same genotype as the parents?

Use a punnet square it may be a little tricky though.Just remember which letter is dominant and which one is recessive.heterozygous and Homozygous.

Which cross will yield four phenotypes in the ratio?

A phenotype is the composite of an organism's observable traits. The answer to the question, the cross that will yield four phenotypes in the 1:1:1:1 ratio is fifty.

Why does height in humans have such a wide variety in phenotypes?

Because Height is controlled by at least four genes

What are the four possible genotypes from a cross between Rrtt and rrTt?

RtrT, Rtrt,rtrT,rtrt

If both parents are O positive can child be A positive or A negative?

The child can only have type O blood. In the ABO blood group, A and B are dominant while O is recessive. All the possible genotypes are: AO, AA, BO, BB, AB, and OO. The first two are type A phenotypes and the next set of two are type B phenotypes. The Rh gene works similarly with positive (+) being dominant and negative (-) being recessive. If both O+ parents were heterozygous (+/- expressing only the + phenotype) there is a one in four chance that the baby will be O-.

What are four phenotypes of human blood?

The most commonly referred to are A, B, AB and O. Others include rhesus-positive and rhesus-negative.

What are the four plants types?

Nonvascular plants Ferns Gymnosperms Flowering Plants

Which plants have four leaves?

Four leaf clovers